Recently, a friend who is near and dear to me was just diagnosed with cancer. I am terribly sad about this and it’s made me realize that I have been taking my health and the health of all those around me for granted.
I’m hoping and praying that the cancer was caught early enough so that my friend will ultimately just require an operation and/or treatment and emerge from this whole ordeal drained, but well. However, for the moment, this is actually unknown as the details and extent are still being investigated by the specialists.
Many people/blogs convey the wisdom that one needs to live life in the present to the fullest extent possible so as to make the most of our time. This is probably because:
Life is precious and we do not know how long we have to enjoy; life, death and illness can be so random
Many of us would like to feel happy and live as joyfully as possible
I think that many of us would like to make our lives as meaningful as possible and minimize the inconsequential. However, sometimes it is only when we are threatened with the illness or loss of someone close to us, that we realize that we really must take action for this change to occur.
In that regard, there can be a silver lining in someone’s illness or loss; you can decide to step back and look at how you have been living your life and make a change if you feel that such a change is warranted.
Have you been living your life in as meaningful a way as you wanted? Have you been spending the time you wanted with the people you care about the most? Have you found a way to balance work and your personal life?
I often find that life/work/school gets in the way of having a balanced life, so to speak. This is one of the reasons I tend to read a lot of inspirational and/or balance type blogs. I’m searching for the answer!
What are your thoughts on this matter?
Photo credit: Mckay Savage
Hi Dorlee,
I think that in those moments when we really get a deeper sense of who truly fragile life can be – that most definitely can be a great resource in more fully living our own life. Cancer is one of those. For me, it was a friend who passed away recently that brought this more into my forefront.
So…I don’t know…can we talk about it, and will people really “get” it?? Some…yes. For many, though, it does take something that shakes them to their core.
As much as I talk about this stuff…it’s those moments when it hits closer to home that really make it settle in deeper in my soul.
Anyway, know that I am thinking of your friend. And for you, Dorlee, know that I also wish you much clarity as you continue to really “live” your life….
Dear Lance,
It probably makes sense that we tend to only fully understand and/or absorb the fragility of life when a loss or illness hits close to home.
I’m so sorry to hear of your recent loss. My thoughts are with you…
Thanks so much for your thoughtful comments and kind words.