In just a few weeks, I will have completed a full year of graduate studies and a minimum of 600 hours at my placement (internship) towards obtaining a Masters’ degree in social work. I am so excited!
One of the notable characteristics that I have observed among the low income or poor women who frequent the women’s health clinic where I intern is their remarkable strength and resilience in the face of adversity.
For example, one mother came to the United States from an impoverished country abroad to work in the United States to be able to support her family back home. Given this woman’s low education and lack of knowledge of the English language, she has only been able to work as a housekeeper. However, despite her meager salary, she is able to support herself and her son in the United States as well as provide for her family back home. This particular woman has been working this way for nearly ten years.
I was also quite struck by one teenager who had run away from home at the age of sixteen due to some difficulties she experienced at home. This teenager ultimately found a way to support herself by working at a business at a below minimum wage in exchange for room and board. Sadly, the business owner not only took gross advantage of her in terms of the hours she was forced to work and the low wages she earned; he also sexually abused her. She responded by saving every penny she had so that she could ultimately move out and no longer be dependent upon this abusive business owner.
What are your thoughts? Do these women’s stories make you feel similarly? Or do their stories make some other ideas come to mind?
Thank you for sharing your fabulous pictures!
Yes,Dorlee, I work in prisons and have worked with group home teenagers and I am constantly amazed at the resilience of the human spirit.
I find people like you have described to be inspirational and remarkable.
Congrats on your accomplishments!
Best wishes!
Hi Lauren,
I take my hat off to you. You work with a population that is quite challenging.
Thankfully, the human spirit is remarkably resilient. The hardships and/or painful events that people go through would be totally unbearable if they were not able to find a way to go on.
Thank you for sharing some of your experiences.
Also many thanks for your kind comments and wishes,