Is It Time to Change My Blog’s Name?
A couple of days ago, one reader suggested that I change the name of my blog in order to help increase the levels of awareness and traffic for the blog.
She mentioned how “Social Work Career Transition (Blogger)” tends to give the impression that my blog is all about me as opposed to what it actually is – a potentially helpful resource for new social workers and social workers in training, as well as for people considering entering into the field.
My blog happens to be blessed in that it also manages to attract experienced social workers and/or therapists such as Nancy Smyth and Mike Langlois and career experts such as Jacqui Poindexter and Terry Del Percio who visit and serve as long-distance mentors, further adding to the site’s ability to serve as a valuable resource to new mental health professionals or those in training.
In light of this reader’s observation, I am starting to wonder whether I need to change my blog’s title and I’d most appreciate your input.
One concern I have with changing the blog’s title is that my blog happened to get listed among the Top 50 Blogs for Social Work Professionals and I’m not sure what would happen to that listing or the traffic that I currently get as a result of this listing if I would change my name.
So I have two questions for you:
1) Do you agree with this reader’s take on my blog’s name? Would another name better represent my blog’s content/purpose?
2) Do you happen to have any ideas or suggestions for a new name?
I’d really appreciate it if you could please help me with your ideas, thoughts and/or advice on this topic ๐
Photo Credit:
Tropical Forest by Mad Sarah
Dorlee, innovation takes risks that often open more possibilities. What do you see as positive results for stretching to take a risk?
Personally, I think you make an important contribution to the sw blogosphere and your blog name captures it.
Does it matter how someone interprets you name? Also, it may not be a bad thing if you are attracting readers who think you are transitioning out of the profession.
You’ve raised both a good point and question!
Off the top of my head, some positive results for stretching to take a risk in changing my name could include:
1) refining the purpose of blog
2) clarifying my personal brand
3) reaching a new/larger audience
4) having the ideas/thoughts raised in blog further expanded with the assistance of the new/larger audience
Thanks so much for visiting and taking the time to comment,
Prior to this reader making her comment, I too had thought that the blog name reflected the information conveyed via my blog but now I’m not so sure…
Thanks so much for your kind feedback. That’s so nice that you feel that this blog make an important contribution to the sw blogosphere…
I feel the same way about yours ๐
Thanks again,
Hi Dorlee,
I think the name of your blog says who you are. You can always change the verbiage under the name of your blog once you are finished with grad school. Also, if you do decide to change your name, you can do it when you graduate and revamp your blog if you want to expand or make changes at that time.
My guess is that you will still end up on a top 50 list even if you do decide to change your name.
Keep up the good blogging ๐
Hi Sharon,
Thanks so much for sharing with me your take on this issue.
It really helps to hear the opinion of a number of different people…So far, it sounds like both you and Nechakogal feel that my blog’s current name fits (at least for now).
Alternatively, as you point out, if I feel I need to make a change, I could wait till I graduate and/or I could just adjust the verbiage under the name of my blog.
How kind of you to say that you think that my blog would still end up on the top 50 list even with a name change ๐
Thanks again,
I don’t see a problem with the name, Dorlee. Perhaps you want a more concise tag line but the actual name of the blog seems fine to me. Remember one opinion of a reader is one opinion and if she isn’t a marketing expert, it counts even less.
The name of the blog has very little to do with traffic. Traffic comes from promotion and frequency of blogging as well as the obvious – good content. Sometimes when you are in a tight niche, you will find it harder to build traffic than in other fields. I get less traffic than some of the marketing people who attract a wider audience. However, I get more traffic than some career bloggers, because I both blog a lot and promote on multiple platforms as well as work at building relationships with people who are nice and generous with helping to promote others.
It seems you have much of that going for you. SO keep on… ! ๐
I am intrigued by the reader’s comment for two reasons. The first is that when I read your blog’s title, it seems to describe your purpose. The second is that, to some extent, all blogs are about their writer. A blog is the place where many of us unite our viewpoint and experiences with the resources we hope to share with our readers. So, from that perspective, I don’t believe that the blog being about your journey is a negative thing.
Just my two cents!
Thanks so much, Julie, for providing your take on this issue.
The reader who had shared her opinion was not a marketing expert. She was a therapist who noted that I tend to have few, if any, student commentators and thought that if I changed my blog’s name, this step may increase the awareness of my blog among this population.
However, I think I am in a tight niche and therapists as a group are rather tentative about using social media (there is more of the need for anonymity out of concerns for client confidentiality).
On top of that, my typical blogging pace is (only) once a week – occasionally, twice a week.
In light of the above, changing my name to something else may have no effect whatsoever on attracting social work students to my site because the vast majority of them would not be on twitter nor would they be looking to read blogs written by social workers…
It’s possible that if I added my school name to my bio, this would bring in additional visitors but I’m hesitant to do so b/c of the confidentiality concerns.
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts, as well as for your kind vote of confidence ๐
I think you have a brand developed that is accurate, apt, and gaining momentum. If it’s also confusing to some, add a tagline. You can change the tagline later as needed, or append the blog to your professional site, if you want. I am also someone who is refining my skills at midlife to enter the counseling field. So I am really glad to read a blog that isn’t aimed at me-a-few-years-down-the-road. Many of us come to this work after experiencing a bit of life, and yet there are not a lot of resources for us.
Maybe more importantly, ‘transition’ isn’t only about switching jobs, or adding more letters behind our last names. It’s being open to knowing the direction but not the destination. It’s being willing to be changed. To be in-between…and to get to know that space, which is the spaciousness I hope to be able to create for my future clients.
Thanks so much for sharing your views on this topic, Ann.
This is quite interesting…so far, that reader seems to be alone in thinking that the blog’s title is not a good fit…
With respect to the reader’s comment about the blog being about my journey, I don’t think she meant it as a negative statement but that rather my blog is providing a log of my journey plus other value added information that does not get captured by the current name.
To illustrate, the blog includes interviews with therapists specializing/providing advice in different areas such as substance abuse, child welfare, online therapy, starting up a private practice etc. In addition, it includes lists of resources for mental health professionals and licensing information.
Your two cents was most helpful ๐ With each person’s input, I think I’m actually getting a better understanding of what that reader was trying to tell me…
Thanks again,
Thanks so much, fewerdeeper, for sharing your thoughts.
As the comments are coming in, the consensus seems to be that this blog title is fine as it is…
I’m so happy to hear that you find value in my blog as it is.
I also like how you are interpreting and viewing transition…very deep and accurate. I look forward to reading your blog ๐
Thanks again,
I agree with the people who say that your blog will be fine regardless of title. If you feel moved to change it, then change it. But don’t change it based on one person’s feedback. Ultimately, it’s not the title but the content, people disseminating the content, etc. that bring in the traffic.
As a final note. Coca Cola was originally named that because it had cocaine in it. When cocaine was removed no one changed the name. It’s still Coca Cola.
I am quite impressed with your blog and always believe in sticking to your initial gut feelings. Personally, I like the name of your blog and totally agree with the above comments to keep the name and change the description as you evolve in your career.
Thanks so much for sharing your perspective on this, Nancy.
What you are saying makes a lot of sense. Before making a decision one way or another, I wanted to make sure that:
1) I wasn’t missing something that was obvious to everyone else.
2) I not remain with my current title out of sheer inertia but rather out of the feeling that it is indeed a good fit.
Regarding the Coca Cola story, I had no idea of its original association with cocaine! How interesting. Thanks for sharing that ๐
Thanks so much, Laurel ๐
I most appreciate your kind feedback and take on the question of my blog title.
It looks like keeping the current name and changing the description as I evolve in my career is indeed the most favored.
Perhaps I should not have been so quick to doubt myself/my blog’s title in response to the one reader’s comment…
I can empathise as I’ve often regretted my rather rash choice of name for my blog and username which I made when I didn’t expect to be writing for anyone other than myself. My blog title says absolutely nothing about the content! I decided to stick with it though because by the time I wanted to change it, it was fairly established and I felt that if people found me, well and good, and if they didn’t then they didn’t.
I would also advocate keeping the same name and identity.
You have wonderful information to share – I really enjoy your blog and your writing and traffic will find you.
I am of the opinion that I don’t make any substantial changes simply for traffic but rather because they would make you happier with the blog and its progress.
Keep up the good work ๐
What you are saying makes a lot of sense, cb – major changes need to be connected with what I would like to do with my blog overall vs. being traffic driven decisions.
Thanks so much for your input and kind comments. That’s so nice to hear that you really enjoy my blog and feel that I have wonderful information to share…
I feel the same way about yours ๐
Hello Dorlee,
I’m fascinated by the numerous, pithy comments you (your post) has generated! This is a testament to the ‘reach’ you have!
When I think of you, I think of DorleeM, or technically speaking, You’ve created an umbrella ‘brand,’ if you will. Encompassed, thereto, is your Social Wor-related blog, and yes, the ‘transition’ is a key aspect of your story right now! … and perhaps, forevermore.
In that the blog name/title [Social Work Career Transition (blogger)] is not the URL, I am wondering if the evolvement, thereto, could be organic, over time, as you are compelled to do so. It seems that web traffic will not be highly affected, either way, as long as the value-driven content and topics you described so well as the essence of your blog remain consistent as others have articulated in this comment thread, including my good friend, Julie Walraven, a blog maven.
You currently attract a diverse, yet focused audience, it seems across social work professionals and career specialists who, it seems, directly add value to your goals while receiving extensive value from you (I know I do!). Your site is SUCH a valuable resource for students, when they are ready and available to look for you. I Googled “Social Work Career Blog” and your blog came up 2nd on Google -Wow! You ARE highly accessible to careerists in social work, whether they are career-transitioning or already fully engaged.
It seems to me that the essence of this blog is Dorlee + the rich topic of Social Work, and whether you remain with a ‘transition’ focus for the time being or evolve the name and/or create new taglines that speak to the evolutionary nature of any career and/or person—it is okay! Even if you were to change the name now, it seems your listing in the Top 50 Blogs for Social Work Professionals would be unharmed (particularly since the URL is (not the name of the blog).
My business name, since 1997, has been CareerTrend, and my URL, since 1998,; however, the metamorphosis of the focal points within the CareerTrend umbrella has led to my current-day center on ‘value into words’ – narrowing my focus in some ways, broadening it in others. The subtle, and sometimes more dramatic change events in the language I use at my website, at my blog (which currently is a subset of my website) and my other marketing language (including Twitter user ID and other social sites) happens organically, and sometimes at the spur of the moment, when seemingly all the marketing intuition stars align to create sharp decision-making.
I’m sure your marketing education/career further equips you with instincts on this matter, too, Dorlee!
The wonderful value of this conversation you’ve started is the continued simmering thoughts you will have, subconsciously and consciously, that may one day lead you to your next blog title/tagline/whatever iteration that is. You’ll know when the time is right. In fact, today you may determine to keep the name as is, and it could be as early as tomorrow, next month, next year or several years from now that you are inspired (buoyed by the accumulation of tips/advice/your own passionate feelings) to make the leap into a new name, new tagline, new ‘whatever’ in steering the voice of your blog.
In the meantime, your blog has a momentum, essence and voice like no other!
Keep on steering the ship with the confidence and sensitivity you currently demonstrate, turning the wheel at whatever intervals are comfortable for you, and we’ll keep following you in your journey, through calm and choppy waters alike (hopefully mostly calm!).
PS – Thanks so much for the mention in your post – totally unexpected and embraced!
Your fan,
Dear Jacqui,
Thanks so much for taking the time to delve so deeply into this topic and provide such a thoughtful analysis ๐
You’ve given me much food for thought!
I am also most touched by the very kind ‘value-into-words’ you are using to describe my blog.
My blog would not be what it is sans your valuable input and that of my other contributing readers…
I am deeply grateful for you being such a wonderful source of support throughout my journey.
P.S. It is obvious that anyone who would be lucky enough to work with you as their executive resume expert would not only reap the rewards of a beautifully worded and well-targeted resume but also would be the beneficiary of great career advice.
Hi Dorlee,
Interesting question and great comments. Obviously your blog is helping and drawing interest from people; so I’m not sure it’s wise to change the name of something that is going well. On the other hand, if you want to focus on the actual therapy issues rather than your transition…it might be worth considering….how about having a second blog? (too much time?) Or splitting your blog into two. Maybe on M,W,Fr you focus on the therapeutic aspects; and on Tue Th you focus on the Career aspects?
Sometimes I think we (me!) might over-analyze. If you are ambivalent about it….sometimes just letting it be and giving your self time to percolate quietly….will allow an answer to come. That happens to me all the time.
In any event, your blog is great and keep it coming!!!
Dorlee, I agree with many of the other commenters here. I think your blog’s name fits its purpose and would not change it based on one person’s feedback. I would ask that you think about why you would want to change it and what you would want to accomplish by changing it. If you find a compelling reason to change it, then make the change. As far as attracting students, I think the current title does appeal to students, as they are all making a career transition into the social work profession, just as you are. I think social work students respond to posts about the social work student experience…what it’s like to be in field placement, and so forth. Keep up the good work!
Wow, how interesting that this post garnered so many comments!
My two cents has really already been said by Nancy, which is that the content is really more important than the title. If you want to change your blog’s name to reflect your own sense of transition and graduation go for it, but it seems that you’ll continue to have a following and I’m not sure the title will add or detract from those numbers.
Hi Terry,
Interesting…Truthfully, I couldn’t envision managing two blogs right now. However, I could see myself setting up some sort of a variation of the posting schedule you are suggesting.
Due to time constraints, if I were to adhere to such a schedule, I would probably have one day per week be my regular posting day for therapeutic related items and another day be my regular career related type post.
As you suggest, I think I need to let all the ideas and comments mentioned percolate for a bit ๐
Thanks so much for sharing your ideas and kind comments!
Thanks so much, Linda, for providing your input on this topic.
In light of both your social work background and career development expertise within the social work arena, it is especially reassuring to hear that you feel my blog’s title fits its purpose including appealing to students ๐
With much appreciation for all your support,
Yes, I am so appreciative of you, Mike, and all of you who have been so kind to chime in and share your thoughts on this topic.
You’ve really helped me put the reader’s comment about my blog’s name in much better perspective!
While I may one day want to reconsider my blog’s title again, for now, in light of the enthusiastic support that you have all demonstrated for its current name, I think I will stick with things as they are ๐
Thanks so much, Mike, Robyn, Nechakogal, Sharon, Julie, Ann, fewerdeeper, Nancy, Laurel, cb, Jacqui, Terry, and Linda for all your help and support!
Hi Dorlee,
What a great discussion – you are so skilled at starting conversations! The beauty of putting yourself out there online is that you will always get feedback and as you grow, you will learn to make the changes that make sense to you, not necessarily always the audience, although we do love the attention. ๐
While I’ve only had a chance to view your more recent posts, and they would apply quite well to students, I’ve felt that your blog has itself transitioned from ‘transition’ to ‘development’ as you’ve grown. I see lots of material that not only talks about how folks found social work (or, as we all know, how social work found us) but also how they build themselves as social workers. I see a similar streak on your twitter feed. A blog titled Social Work Career Development sounds pretty cool!
I ask you:
– How would *you* characterize your blog?
– What 2-5 things do you want visitors to your blog to walk away with?
– Where do you see your blog in the next 2 years?
If you feel that your blog title reflects that then stick with it. If not, you have your answer. ๐
Hi Karen,
Thank you for your kind comments ๐ I’m so glad that you were able to visit and share your thoughts.
I love your insightful observation that my blog has transitioned from “transition” to “development” as I’ve grown.
You’ve also raised great questions to assist me in the decision-making process of whether to change my blog title… –> Yes!
Social Work Career Development…That does have a nice sound to it. “Development” feels both more applicable and substantial than “transition.”
Oh, my gosh, Karen, I think you just helped me to solve my dilemma here!
This slight change in the title adds so much in terms of clarification and depth to the blog.
With much appreciation and warmth,
I give you full points for your willingness to, once again, be vulnerable.
The fact that you’ve generated so much interaction speaks highly to the type of readers you’ve attracted. They’re smart, supportive and show they care by the thought they’ve put into their comments.
Well done.
By the way, I like what Karen has suggested: Social Work Career Development.
Thank you for sharing your reactions to Karen’s suggestion regarding the name for my blog (as well as the kind comments you have made about the type of readers my blog attracts).
Now you know the story of how my blog got its name change… It was the result of virtual brainstorming ๐ And I’m so appreciative of everyone’s thoughtful feedback!