Are you about to graduate with your Master’s in Social Work?
If yes, follow these 8 steps to take the LMSW exam and obtain your license:
- Fill out the application for licensure (Form 1) available for download at
- Sign application and get it notarized.
- Mail to NYS Education Department:
- application
- $294 fee
- and a copy of your Child Abuse Identification certificate
- Fill out section 1 of Form 2 (Certification of Professional Education) and mail to your graduate school. After you graduate, your school of social work will verify your degree and forward Form 2 to the NYS Education Department.
- Apply to the Association of Social Work Board (ASWB), after you receive an approval letter from NYS Education Department, to register for the LMSW exam. There is a $230 fee.
- Schedule your LMSW test date after receiving confirmation letter from AWSB at
- Study and take LMSW exam!
- Pass and receive notification of LMSW licensure!
For all students planning on obtaining their LMSW outside of New York, please check out your state’s specific requirements/links at this site:
Social Work Laws and Regulations.
Please feel free to share any comments, thoughts or exam tips that you may have ๐
In the interim, wishing you all lots of good luck on your upcoming LMSW exam!
Wow, Dorlee, what a crisp, clear process you have outlined — this will be of value to so many aspiring LMSWs, I am sure. You continue to ‘deliver’ with your blog, from career, to psychology/social work, to inspiration to interviews … and the list goes on!
And doing all of this while you juggle your own career, family and other ‘challenges’ that life tosses your way — I’m continually impressed.
I love seeing what your next, weekly post will be.
PS – Love the hot pink gerber daily photo!
Thanks so much, Jacqui ๐
I really appreciate your support!
I am sure the licensing exam is something that is on the minds of lots of new or about-to-be social work graduates, and it can be a confusing process for many. We have come a long way as a profession from the days when we were fighting just to get licensing and be recognized as a profession!
Here are a couple of articles that provide some additional insight into the process and the exams, from THE NEW SOCIAL WORKER:
10 Questions About the ASWB Exams
What Do I Do When I Fail the Social Work Exam?
I hope you and others find these helpful.
Yes, the licensing exam is very much on all our minds right now ๐
In fact, it was because of this that I realized the need for this post… my earlier posts from the summer Licensing Part I and Part II describe the content covered and the eligibility requirements but not the actual steps.
Thanks so much for sharing the links to these two great articles from The New Social Worker on the topic!