Do you want to pass your LMSW exam on your first try?
74.5% of those who take the LMSW exam nationally pass on their first try; however, 90% of those who take the National Association of Social Workers’ (NASW) course pass the exam on their first try.
Below are some helpful study tips from the LMSW test prep class provided by NASW:
- Don’t leave any questions blank. There are going to be many questions where you’re not going to feel comfortable with the answers but you will be fine. While you have the opportunity to flag a question or leave it blank, it doesn’t pay to do this. If it didn’t come to you at first, it’s not going to come to you later so it doesn’t pay to go back to it later – this just feeds/adds to your anxiety. In terms of leaving a question blank, this counts as a mistake. If you have no idea, you might as well guess so that you have a chance of having that question count as correct.
- Do not “fight” the exam. The wording/question “is what it is.” We just need to pass the exam; accept the exam with its inevitable imperfections/failings and make the best of it.
- Read entire question/be clear about what is being asked.
- Talk to self; reframe it to first person and paraphrase to identify key points. So what is this question asking/saying? Then read responses. Eliminate the ones you can. Reread the question. Reread the leftover options and then make your selection.
- Stay with material in question. Don’t jump and make assumptions or hypotheses about the person(s) described in the questions.
- Look for qualifiers (such as BEST, FIRST etc.) and put them in front of each response choice as you are reading the possible responses (Am I FIRST going to…. or Is the BEST thing for me to…). The qualifiers are usually but not always capitalized on the exam.
- Do not study from sample questions. This is the worst way to study. The best way to study is to study the content! You do not need to know theory in depth. Be able to talk for 3 minutes about the different ASWB Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs) Statements. Be able to describe the terms to a non-social worker in simple terms.
- When studying different content topics, think about it in broad terms of: what does that look like? how will I know when I see it? what am I doing/saying?
- Pay attention to the order of social work process. This is key across the different sections. For example, there is engagement, assessment, planning, intervention, evaluation and termination. We should remember this order and keep this in mind when asked questions about what the social worker should do FIRST.
- Remember Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs from the perspective you always address food, health and safety first (before employing other interventions that assist in the belonging/loving, status/esteem or self-actualization levels).
- The client is the expert. The social worker is there to support, assist and act as a resource to the client (not to tell the client he/she is making a poor choice even if this is what is going on).
- Some exam speak: “Refer” on exam could mean just telling the client about (as opposed to sending the client away to another agency); confront could mean calling attention to something (not in a negative way) and contract could refer to a treatment plan (as opposed to safety plan).
- You will have enough time to answer the questions. Only 2 people out of thousands end up having an issue with time. Therefore, this is not an issue and there is no real need to be anxious about not having enough time.
- Do what you need to do to reduce your anxiety. For some, this may mean visiting the test site in advance of the test. For others, this may mean meditating. For yet others, this may mean going with a loved one to the test site on the day of the test. For yet others, this may mean not telling anyone when you are taking the test so that the expectations of your friends/family won’t be an added stressor.
Make this an EPIC pass so that you are on the road to becoming an epic therapist as Mike Langlois, LCSW describes so eloquently in his post Epic Therapists,
And if by chance, you don’t pass on the first time, that’s ok…you can always take the exam again, 90 days later. Epic social workers don’t give up!
Do you have any tips/advice that you’d like to share?
Photo Credits:
Water Seamless Pattern by Patrick Hoesly
Cogs – Pattern by Patrick Hoesly
Christmas Wrapping Paper by Patrick Hoesly
Cracked iPhone Screen by Patrick Hoesly
Oh you KNOW I loved this article’s title. ๐
Dorlee, what a great thing to offer first-time exam takers. I wish I’d had all these tips when I took it back in the day. And everything mentioned makes a lot of sense.
All of the tips are also applicable to the independent licensure exam as well. Your timing on this is excellent.
Thanks so much for your feedback on these tips!
That’s a very good point to make…The instructor from NASW had mentioned that her guidelines would also be applicable for the subsequent LCSW exam (this included the study guide that was distributed).
Maybe I should I add a note to the post to reflect this…
Re the Epic Fail/Pass sign, yes, when I found it, I couldn’t help but think of you, Mike, and the whole concept of being an Epic Therapist ๐
And it fit in so beautifully…
I always found it helpful to actual study the sample questions and answers to get a thorough understanding of what the test makers were looking for.
Ditto the importance of paying attention to qualifiers, process and assessing for safety.
Best of luck
Hi John,
Thanks for visiting and sharing some of your lessons learned ๐
Looking at sample questions and answers to get an idea of what the LMSW test makers are looking for sounds like a great idea…
And in fact, we did this during the class that NASW held. I think the point that the trainer tried to convey is not to rely on this method as the primary and/or sole method of studying.
Thanks again!
I discovered your blog by chance while “googling” for information on preparing for the LMSW licensure exam and I feel like I have found a gold mine. Your blog is incredible! I am a career changer as well from the investment management world and have just completed my foundation year. I can’t tell you how reassuring it was to read your blog. Finally someone who is writing about everything MSW students are concerned about! Thank you; thank you for your contribution.
Thank you so much, Maryann – I can’t tell you how much your words mean to me…for you to say that my blog feels like a gold mine of information for MSW students.
This is what I aspired to create…and hope to maintain…
To that end, please feel free to raise any questions or ideas that come to mind for additional posts.
And congratulations on your career transition! I’m wishing you the best of luck during your second year:)
Hi DorleeM. I would like to first off start by thanking you for creating this blog. I have been on the internet all day looking for different ways to prepare for my LMSW exam in Louisiana. I am graduating May of 2012 and I have started early searching for test prep material and workshops to help me understand the concept of the exam. I have heard so many horror stories about the exam and the low passing rate here in Louisiana. I am actually considering taking my exam in Texas since it is a possibility that I may be moving soon after graduation.
I have found your blog to be so helpful and it has decreased the amount of anxiety in which I am having about the exam.Again, I would like to say thank you for this blog and all of the helpful information that you and others have posted.
Hi Reva,
I’m so glad that you have found my blog helpful in answering some of your questions and reducing some of the anxiety you have had regarding the LMSW exam.
I think that feeling some anxiety and worry about this exam is totally natural…and that getting some guidance helps quell that anxiety.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback.
By the way, if you are interested in participating, there is a study group working on preparing right now for the exam on google+ via hangouts (virtual meetings) several evenings a weeks.
Feel free to circle me on google plus and then I will send you the info ๐
I joined the googleplus and I didn’t understand how to use it the circle feature. Feel free to message me on Facebook. I am very interested in in the virtual meetings. If at all possible can you send me the info via Facebook?
Sure, add me as a friend in facebook – my name is dorleem socialwork on there and I can message you with some guidance.
I would send you a friend request but I don’t know your full name…this is also why I couldn’t simply find and circle you on google+ ๐
Hi Dorlee! Thanks for this blog, finding it very helpful. I just circled you on google+, hope you can share some info with me about the virtual hang out ๐
Hi AP,
You are most welcome. I’m so glad that you are finding it helpful.
I just circled you back on google+ as well as made the introduction to you for the virtual study group.
If you have a chance, could you come back and let us know whether you find the group helpful?
Wishing you the best of luck!
Hi DorleeM,
I’m so glad I found your website. I do have to take my LMSW exam soon so these tips will be very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to put out all the information that we need in order to accomplish our goals.
Hi Joanne,
Thanks so much, Joanne. I’m so glad that you are finding these tips helpful ๐
Wishing you the best of luck on your LMSW exam!
Hello Dorlee,
Thanks for having these tips available! I agree with all of them.
Even though I am a EPIC social worker now, it took me three times to finally pass my LMSW. It was very frustrating. I’m not trying to scare any readers, I’m just being honest about what happened to me.
I failed the first time by 4 points and the second time by 1 point. Do you know how frustrating that was for me? So, I finally broke down and contacted ASWB. Even though I know that stigmas exist and felt ashamed, I explained that I have ADD/ADHD. By advocating for myself, the board allowed me to take the exam waiving the 90 day period and gave me extra time to take the test. Bottom line: if you have a learning disability, you can call ASWB special accomodations. I should have done this before I even scheduled my first test. It would have saved me time and money! LOL.
What helped me pass the 3rd time is that I created my own study guide. I copied and pasted the required KSA’s from the ASWB website. Under each section, I typed in the information required using social work textbooks, Social Work dictionary, and websites. In addition, I made visual tables, such as the similarities and differences of therapeutic interventions and a detailed vocabulary list.
Two other tips: study every night and use positive affirmations. Tell yourself you have to believe it, to achieve it. Like Adler states, you have to “act as if” and that is what I started doing. Since thoughts lead to emotions to actions, I made sure I kept an optimistic attitude.
So, two days ago, I received an unofficial report stating that I passed! If I can do it, I know others can too. I do wish everyone luck on their tests and I know you can do it on the first try!
Hi Vicki,
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience and study tips.
You demonstrate much courage, honesty, persistence and generosity in being able to be open about your learning disability, advocate on your behalf and ultimately pass your LMSW exam because you were determined to do so.
Your story is not only inspiring; it may also serve as a guidepost to others who may have ADD or other learning disabilities – they should speak up to ensure that they may receive extra time etc if they are entitled.
We also need to work on eliminating the stigma around learning disabilities. There should be no shame…a person with a learning disability is just someone who has a different way of thinking and/or processing information. Hence, they often require additional time on standard testing etc.
I love your study plan…It’s not surprising that you passed ๐
Thanks again and Congrats!
Hi Viki
Your post was probably the most motivating for me. I’m actually in the same position you were in and have been down the same path. I also have ADD/ADHD and never thought about asking for accommodations. Looking back I wish I would have but this time around I have and I’m actually looking forward to taking the test. I keep telling myself this time will be different and I’m in a better place mentally about the test. I hope I can control my anxiety on test day. Thank you for your post, I’m definitely going to use the positive affirmations everyday.
Thank you so much for your blog and providing all the links for free/useful LMSW materials! I took my LMSW exam on Wednesday and passed! Reading your posts and the comments of others’ experiences really helped me prepare mentally! Thanks again Dorlee!
It was my pleasure, LMA ๐ I’m so glad that you found the LMSW material on my blog helpful.
Congratulations on passing your LMSW!
Many thanks for taking the time to share your kind feedback,
Wishing you all the best,
Hi Dorlee.. I just LOVE your website! I’m scheduled to take the LMSW exam next month. Even after reading the tips on what to do first, next, best, etc., I’m still having difficulty processing it! Can you please give me an example of how to apply your tips to an actual test question, using FAREAFI and ASPIRINS? I would appreciate it sooooo much! Thank you!:o)
Thanks so much for your kind feedback, Logan
I am putting together a post to address your question, as we speak ๐
This website helped me out a lot! I just graduated with my MSW and I took my licensing exam yesterday. I passed! I only had two weeks to study. I had a job depending on me passing and I was under a lot of pressure. I looked at this website almost daily and right before I took it. The anagrams helped me tremendously. I wanted to thank you for developing this website. Also, for people who are taking the exam in the near future…just relax and keep calm. I have ADD and it is difficult for me to focus at times. With ADD and my short time to study I was able to pass. My advice is to study as much as you can and when you feel burnt out take a break. Self-care is important. Just make sure to breathe and remember you know more than you think you do. I felt like I knew nothing, but when you start the exam it will come back to you. Remember you are not going to know everything. You are not going to get every answer. You might get to a question and feel like you do not know the answer. For me I would mark it and leave it blank and then go back before I submitted it. For me this worked. When I first started my anxiety level was very high and I was not thinking clearly. Towards the end I felt a little more relaxed and was able to analyze and break down certain questions better and this made some of the questions I marked more clear. Remember do not rush, take your time, breathe and study. I promise if I could pass it with only studying for two weeks then you can too. Do not let your anxiety take over. Good luck.
Congratulations, Jamie ! I’m so happy you ๐
How kind of you to take the time to share your learnings and tips to help others!
Also, thank you for your kind feedback on this blog.
I am taking the LMSW for the second time and I need to study with a group on skype. My job is on the line if I don’t pass. Does anyway one need a studying buddy? =)
I am going to be taking the LMSW exam next month for the second time and I would like to know if someone is interested in a studying buddy. Please contact me ASAP! Anything anyone can advise will be helpful! =)
Hi Floriza,
I would suggest that you check out two additional posts:
In one of them, I share the contact info for people interested in participating in a study group on google/skype and in the other, there is an active study group on Facebook.
Wishing you the best of luck on your LMSW exam next month!
This site was so helpful! Passed on the first try!
I’m so glad you found Social Work Career Development helpful for preparing for the LMSW exam. Congrats newly licensed social worker ๐
Hi Dorleem,
This is a wonderful site.I passed my msw 10 years back from India.I am planning to write my LMSW exam for the first time in first week of November.Seeing the practice questions I am bit confused .please help me out
Hi there,
You are rather close to the date of taking the exam… I would give it your best try. If you pass, that ‘s terrific. If you don’t, that’s ok… many people need to retake it. But the next time, plan on taking one of the test prep classes or at least participate in one of the free online LMSW study groups. Here is a post on how/where you can join
This will give you some one-on-one time with people who are in the same boat as you in terms of preparing for the exam. You are also welcome to look at the other posts on my site that cover this topic.
Agh!!!!! I PASSED! Got my LMSW this past Friday! I can’t tell you THANK YOU enough for the Accronyms on the First,Next, Best questions!
How wonderful – Congratulations! And thank you for taking the time to stop by and share how you found the tips I’ve shared helpful in your passing the exam ๐
I am taking my LMSW very soon and your blog has been so helpful. Thank you! Victoria
Thanks so much for sharing your kind feedback, Victoria ๐
I remember how anxious I had felt prior to taking my exam and I wanted to do all I could to help and prevent others from feeling worried.
Wishing you the best of luck!
Hello Dorleem,
I have taken the exam a few times and have yet to pass it. I actually don’t know what I am doing wrong, but I will take it again in October. I think your blog is pretty helpful, but also wanted to know if you know of any online study groups going on. If there is any additional information you have for me, I would like at the help I can get. Thanks in advance!
Sorry to hear that you haven’t yet passed the exam. Sometimes it can be a bit tricky to do so but keep at it. You will ultimately pass it!
Here is a post that provides you with the links to access the various online groups
In addition, you can check out
Wishing you the best of luck!
I will be taking the exam next year. I graduate in 2015 and I am trying to prepare now so hopefully I will not have to retake the exam. I am so glad I found your website and I will try an enter a study group as well. Thanks again for the information.
I’m wishing you the best of luck!
It is my pleasure ๐
Hi Dorlee, Do you have any recommendation/suggestions on practicing on direct and indirect practice questions?
I think the best approach to handling direct and indirect practice questions is to employ the helpful acronyms. They are very good at reminding you what to consider first, next etc. Here are two posts on that topic:
Another thing that you may find helpful is working/practicing with others.
Wishing you the best of luck!
Do you have any Direct/ Indirect practice and Assessment tips? I am not doing so well in those areas.
Just assessment tips and human behavior tips. I do see the previous post on direct and indirect. Thanks
Hi Brook,
I’d recommend you use the two infamous acronyms to guide you. Here are the two posts to look at:
Hey Dorlee,
I posted here back on July 22, 2014 about me taking the test in Oct 2014. Sadly, I did not pass again, but in Jan 2015 I finally passed!!!!!!!! In truth I took the exam a total of 6 times!! I never gave up! Anxiety was the major part of it. I know I knew the material, but I was always so nervous during the exam. I think I got my anxiety under control that time, Plus I also had only until August of this year to pass or I would be down graded a license to Registered Social Worker which was not going to happen! Keep the Faith everyone!!
I’m so happy for you, Ashley, that you were determined to pass and kept on trying (using different methods) until you did! Congratulations!
Yes, sometimes anxiety is the big stumbling block and once you figure out how to address this in a way that works for you (be it meditation, exercise, visualization techniques etc.), it ceases to become an obstacle to your success. Was there a particular method that you found helpful in terms of relaxing the last time you took (and passed) the exam?
Dear Dorlee
I am taking the exam in 4 weeks. I have been studying and taking the practice tests. I have a difficult time understanding the questions. I am in the DC/MD area. I was wondering if there are any legitimate groups or tutors who could answer questions. Thank you for your help
Dear Chantal,
You have a few options. You could search for a private tutor or you could join a free study group. Here is a post that provides with information on how to access free online study groups
Alternatively, you could also reach out to ; this course prep organization also helps coordinate study groups.
Wishing you the best of luck!
Hello! Just ran across this blog Friday before I tested on Saturday. Was looking for tips to read up on to calm my nerves & to help with my last minute studying. I just had to comment that at the ripe old age of 23, I passed my exam! My jurisdiction is MS. I am hoping to move soon! Thanks for the article!
Congratulations, Amber – I’m so happy for you!
I’m so glad that this post was helpful and wishing you the best of luck in your new abode ๐
Trust me, there is nothing Much to Study. I did all that was listed below and I PRAYED To GOD AND TRUSTED HIM IN FAITH. I asked him to make me choose the right answers, he is a miracle working God and he did. I was required to get 95 questions right to pass and I got exactly 95 questions right. Trust me, it was nothing I studied it was just God and he proved it.
Registered to take the LMSW exam, bought the ASWB practice exam, studied social work vocabularies, studied some major disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar, major depressive disorder, panic attack, acute stress disorder. studied some medications to treat these disorders. THAT WAS ALL I STUDIED.
For about a week (Approximately 1 hour per day)
Went over the ASWB practice exam (5 times) till I got to the point of reading each question half way and knowing what the answer was even before finishing the question. I got comfortable with the questions.
For vocabularies- I did not memorize, I just went over them 3 times on different occasions to get familiar with the words. (Be very familiar with the vocabulary definitions because it drives the exam) almost 35% of the exam was knowledge of what a word meant. You have to know the meaning of a word to even understand the question being asked. Example, Histrionic behavior has to do with attention seeking. If a question regarding a lady who is excessively seeking attention and you donโt know the meaning of Histrionic, how would you answer it right? Think about it.
For disorders- I just studied them by how long some distinct symptoms have presented and. Example, for one to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, mania symptoms must be present for 6 months. For schizophreniform is less than 6 months.
So whenever I read the question and I see how long they symptoms have presented and it is at least 6 month, 2 to 3 answer choices will be eliminated and I have a high chance of getting it right.
ASWB will not trick you; they will never put 2 answer choices that will throw you off. Example, the will not put 2 different disorders that both symptoms are present for at least 6 months before they are diagnosed.
There is nothing much to study because 70% of the exam is (what will you do when you are presented with this situation). You will not have any book to refer to. You have to think.
2% is a combination of diagnoses and medications
3% theories
Important theories- Maslow, Ericson, Piaget
I never set the timer on the exam, I never marked and unsure question to return to it letter (if I did not know it after reading it 2 to 3 times then I will not know it when I go back to it so I guessed right there.
After I finished the exam I never went back to review or to change an answer.
What if I had gone back, I would have changed an answer and probably would have gotten a 94 and failed.
When I took the ASWB practice exam, each time I changed the answer, I realized that I got it right the first time so I decided not to change my answers after I have chosen them
Hi Carol,
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your tips for preparing for the social work licensure exam! ๐
Much of what you have advised seems on par with what others have experienced and/or suggested (although the amount of time needed to spend time studying and/or practicing definitely varies from one individual to another).
One suggestion that I’d like to add is that many of us have found the 2 acronyms described in this post as a helpful aide in choosing the best/first response (vs. choosing responses based upon what they would do in their place of work). This is because it clarifies the order of priority required for the exam.
Hi Ms. Dorlee,
Thank you for your response, you are very correct.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, Carol, for your kindness in jumping in to help! You are not only providing moral support to Nicole (and others who read this thread) but also some additional helpful suggestions/materials.
I wish I had saw your reply sooner. I just took the exam again yesterday and failed for the second time. I have spent so much money trying to prepare for this exam and it’s frustrating to know I have to wait 90 days again for my anxiety to build up again. I studied all the material from my LSW workshop, the online practice test, the Social work test prep site. However, you stated something very important. You have to really know what alot of these words mean (for ex. the histrionic behavior) the definition I had in my book was overly dramatic behavior. On the exam, none of the answers fit that description. I felt like all the material I studied was not even on the exam. So frustrating. I’m sure I got Transference and Counter-transference correct but there were so many of the words on the exam I did not have a clear understanding of what they meant. I studied for a whole month and not sure really where to begin in order to be ready in 90 days. I’m to the point I feel like giving up but I know that’s not like me to do that at all. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I’m so sorry that you did not pass this time, Nicole.
You will pass. Sometimes it requires a “do-over” with a different strategy.
You may find this post helpful < It includes a couple videos with tips from social workers who are test preparation experts. Best wishes, Dorlee
Hi Nicole,
So sorry to hear that you did not pass. Please feel free to contact me at so that I can speak with you.
Don’t worry, I am very sure that you will pass the next time you take it. I apologize for not responding sooner than now.
Maybe that was my mistake. I marked questions and returned. I’m gonna take it until I pass. I go back to take in in late August or early September
Sorry to hear that you did not pass, Lela.
Yes, I think most of us tend to make more errors when we go back and “correct/change” our responses…
Wishing you the best of luck in August/September!
Nicole, don’t feel bad. I failed a few times because of my anxiety. I wasn’t a big prayer person until I started my current job. Have faith in God and when your taking the test and get stuck on a question and/or anxiety just say Jesus Jesus Jesus I need your help I can’t do this alone. My co worker advised I do that and I passed. I even did the sign of the cross on my computer before I took the test.
I feel like Nicole. I.was not familiar with some of the terms. It’s disappointed to feel prepared and fail. I need help on how to pass the test
Lela, I felt the same way. There were several words I was not familiar with at all. I felt like the study guide I studied from did not prepare me one bit for the exam. There is definitely a strategy to this exam and I’m not going to give up till I pass. I hate to keep wasting money on products. Does anyone have any suggestions? I did buy the study guide from Leap and it really seems to be e a good tool so far.
Hi Nicole and Lela,
How kind of you to jump in to support Lela; thank you!
You will get through this; sometimes these exams require a “repeat.” It’s great that you are trying a different studying guide/strategy to help out.
Another idea you may want to consider is a study buddy/group. Here is how you may find one
And/or the three of you could try to schedule weekly google hangouts or Skype meetings…? ๐ Just voice your interest here (and I would be happy to email you each other’s email address without them being publicized).
Hi Nicole,I also heard about the leap and how it helped a lot of people pass. But also I have emailed you with so attachment, let me know if you need anything else.
A few months ago I signed up for the LMSW exam and thought I have plenty of time to study. When I had the time to study I had every excuse in the world not to. I justified excuses from having a headache to needing to spend more time with my daughter. Then before I knew it I was looking at one week before the exam date. I had saved your website on my phone but only glanced at it now and then. The Monday before my Thursday exam I had a slow day of work and decided to shut my office door and devote my time to reading thoroughly through your posts focusing mostly on the acronyms. I then applied them to test questions and also used the 10 techniques for passing the exam and really tried to understand the question before trying to answer quickly. I kept calm the entire week, practiced self care, challenged my negative thinking and chanted over and over that I was going to have an Epic Pass. The night before and day of the exam I reviewed the acronyms and chose not to cram any additional info in my mind. I did a lot of praying before and during the exam. I’m proud to say I got an Epic pass today! Also the day before my 34th Birthday. Thank you so much for your posts and tips. I will pass this site on to other upcoming social workers so they can also feel the joy of their Epic Pass!!!
Hi Jennifer,
I’m so happy for you! Congratulations on having an Epic Pass!
You are most kind in taking the time to share your process including how my posts and tips were of such help to you !
Also, thanks so much for planning to recommend my site to others ๐
Hi Dorlee, I find your suggestions to be very helping. I am planning on taking the LSW exam also but I am having trouble finding good materials to use as study guides. Also, how many times can you take the exam in PA. I saw your comments on taking the exam the 6 times and a possibility of down grading if you happen to fail. I please need your comment on that. Also, I need study groups around the PA area if you know of any. All your recommendations are highly appreciated.
thank you
Hi Lamar,
I’m so glad that you’re finding this blog helpful.
To find a study group, please see this post.
You may also read through the various posts for additional helpful tips, and interviews with some of the key test providers (who agreed to be interviewed). The test providers provide various guides/materials for sale.
Wishing you the best of luck!
Hi Dorlee
I graduated May 2015 with my Masters in Social Work. July 2015 I started a study group with three alumni students. We used test questions from ASWB materials plus ASWB pocketprep questions. We used small letters a, b, c, d to put our answers down so each of us were not feeding off answers from the others. I took my first test Nov 23, 2015. Did not pass. Then I helped one our students for him to pass. He did after the third time. For prepping we finally used the First-Next FAREAFI, and AASPIRINS Best-Most. I re-took the exam March 16, 2016 and failed again. Both times I read through the questions looked at the answers eliminated bad answers then re-read the question again. I’m totally at a loss in trying to figure out what I need to do next to pass. In addition to testing materials I purchased a program with weekly webinars and the practice test which in case I scored in the 80’s. So please let me know what advice you may have for the “third time” is the charm. I hope! Thanks. Amber
Hi Amber,
You’ve been trying a variety of strategies including working with a study group and that’s great. However, it sounds like you still haven’t found the optimal method for you.
You may find this post helpful < It includes a couple videos with tips from social workers who are test preparation experts, plus they talk about taking an assessment to figure out where it is that you are having difficulty. Wishing you the best of luck! Dorlee
I just recently been diagnosed with Dyslexia by a neuropsychologist. So now things have made so much sense throughout my many years of school. I was always the last person to finish a quiz or test, so it really makes more sense now that I’m really not stupid I now have a learning disability after two Master’s degree’s. I just sent off to ABSW the recommendations endorsed by my neuropsychologist so hope I receive the added time I’ll need to finally pass this exam. Since, my last posting I purchased another test taking study guide that covers all the CONTENT from Erikson’s Psychosocial stages to Professional Relationships, Values, and Ethics plus 150 test exam questions that are so similar to the exam so that to has been truly very helpful. I’m not a quitter so with some added information from the video’s that you recommended to me I’ll be very well prepared in passing this exam “third time is the charm”. Thanks again. Amber
Hi Amber,
Thank you for sharing your journey. How difficult it must have been to have been tackling all the work you have done without knowing throughout the years.
I’m so glad that now you know and may receive additional time.
Good for you for not quitting. You can and will definitely pass this exam. It can be frustrating/tricky but with your determination, and additional test taking strategies/efforts you are employing, you will do it.
Best of luck,
Do I have to pay the same amount each time I retake the test? Will they tell me what I had gotten wrong?
Yes, test fee is the same regardless of how many times you take it. However, you don’t have to apply/pay for permission to take the test again as you had to the first time around.
You are only given your score; no one will tell you what missed points on (or why).
Purchase at least one of the ASWB practice exams. Knowing how to navigate the test will save a great deal of time on test day. Waiting until exam day to learn how navigate the exam will not only add to your anxiety but you will cut into the time you need to take the test. Trust me you will be glad you did. PS…you can thank me later…:-)