I’m watching twitter, google+ and the web so you don’t have to… This post is part of a weekly (or bi-weekly) series, Best in Mental Health, featuring some of the best posts of the week, in social work, psychology, evidence-based practice/healthcare, non-profit and private practice concerns.
Evidence Based Practice/Healthcare:
Let’s talk about the menopause
Evidently Cochrane (Jenny Hislop)
“some women ‘sail through the menopause’, for others it can be a difficult and uncomfortable time… www.healthtalk.org menopause site… over 250 video, audio and written clips…”
The price of protection: Abused women and earnings
Science Daily
“study… shows that women’s petitioning for a PFA does not come with either short- or long-term increases in earnings growth… offer women other forms of support, especially economic ones…”
Psychotherapies for adult depression: the things we know we know, and those we know we don’t
The Mental Elf (Patrick Kennedy-Williams)
“cognitive behavioral therapy… problem-solving therapy… supportive counseling… psychodynamic psychotherapy… equally effective… 40%… do not respond, or only partially… to treatment… relapse rates are high…”
Strengthening mental health systems in low and middle income countries
LSE Health and Social Care (Valentina Iemmi)
“Over two thirds of people with mental illness receive no treatment… proportion widely differs between high and low income countries… not only due to the lack of resources but to their concentration on physical illnesses…”
Social Work:
Aid workers: from posttraumatic stress to posttraumatic growth
Mindfulnext (Alessandra Pigni)
“Aid work… will challenge your ideals, ask you to compromise your values, confront you with sorrow, poverty and death… those who accept the breakage and build themselves anew become more resilient…”
Are You or Your Org Guilty of Trickle-Down Community Engagement
Social Work Helper (Vu Le)
“everyone is getting paid to engage… communities of color except… communities of color… perpetuates the Capacity Paradox… intrinsically wrong… doesn’t work and is even counterproductive…”
A Chance For Social Workers To Be Heard
The Political Social Worker (Rachel L. West)
“On March 17th social workers will be given a chance to be heard on Capitol Hill. Former Congressman Ed Towns has Launched Social Work Day… Sponsors include the Congressional Research Institute for Social Work and Policy…”
Fostering Professional Resilience: The Professional Resilience Paradigm
inSocialWork UBSSW Podcast (Ellen Fink-Samnick)
” core components, building blocks, and practical strategies associated with the Professional Resilence Paradigm… set of behaviors that foster professional and personal growth… resilience for… professionals…”
The Impact of History and Counseling Theories on Culturally Diverse Populations
Social Justice Solutions (Jackie ONeal)
“psychology… origins in “Euro-American or Western culture”… therapists to be aware of their own biases… sensitive to the concerns and needs of the culturally diverse… understanding of the history of oppression…”
Jail Time for Social Workers?
Child Protection Lessons by Peter Choate
“drive social workers away from child protection… approach fails to ask… key questions… many other professionals involved… how will they be held accountable… caseloads… have… workers been given the training…”
The pros and cons of trans-racial adoption
Social Care Network (Kate Murray)
“crucial to tackle delays in the system… also important to consider the identity issues… one issue keeps cropping up – and that’s a sense of loneliness and isolation, a sense of not belonging…”
Social Work And Public Health: Partner Professions in Social Justice
Relando Thompkins, MSW, LLMSW
“Public Health can work together with Social Work… preamble to the Social Work Code of Ethics:“The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being…””
‘The social worker as a social scientist’: the dilemma of juggling research and practice
Community Care (Rhian Taylor)
“key difficulty in trying to carry out a research project alongside your practice is time… great thing… you are in a position to do something about your findings… Academic processes seem to move slowly, whilst practice changes quickly…”
“Survivor” – A Song of Resilience
The New Social Worker Online (Susan P. Robbins, Ph.D., LCSW)
“listen to the talent of Susan Robbins (aka Martin), the quintessential singer-songwriter! Music has the power to express strong emotions… Survivor, an uplifting tune about resilience…”
Systemic Racial Inequality Within The Justice System
MSW @ USC Blog (Gabriela Acosta)
“people of color, especially black men, are arrested and tried at higher rates than whites. Once they are arrested, blacks are disproportionately more likely to go to jail for the same crime whites commit…”
Tools for Practice Tuesday- Avatar-Based Mental Health Treatment For Youth
Stuck on Social Work
“Dr. Bart Andrews and Dewitt Campbell III… pilot program… live today… @DrBillSchmitz… w/increased anonymity —> great self-disclosure…@twirlandswirl: If reaching people “where they’re at” is as simple as letting them “front” with an avatar in their stead, break down that barrier!…”
Tools You Can Use series: iBill, the U.S. Currency Reader Device
Ramp Your Voice! (Vilissa Thompson, LMSW)
“For those who are blind or visually impaired, being able to count money can be a challenging task… iBill, a currency reader device… small, compact, hand-held device… free to all individuals with visual impairments…”
Using Social Media to teach and assess Macro/Policy-based Social Work Competencies – #BPD2015 Conference
Teaching Social Work (Laurel Hitchcock)
“how we developed, implemented and assessed this assignment which incorporates a documentary movie with a live Twitter chat… next live Twitter chat for this assignment will be on March 12 at 9 PM EST…”
Beyond LGB
Counseling Today (Stephen P. Hebard and AJ Hebard)
“Transgender individuals — those who do not identify with their assigned gender at birth or whose expression of gender differs from societal expectations… one of the most oppressed… Glossary of terms…”
Child and Family Resilience: A Call for Integrated Science, Practice, and Professional Training
(Family Relations, Ann Master and Amy Monn)
“few efforts to systematically integrate… components of an integrated approach to child and family resilience… examples from recent research… implications for research, practice, and professional training…”
Child Sex Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation: Health Care Needs of Victims
(Pediatrics, Jordan Greenbaum and James Crawford)
“risk factors for and potential indicators of CSEC, victim identification through medical evaluation, mental health assessment concerns, referral and resource information, and additional guidance…”
The Economic Value Of Intensive Trauma Therapy
Trauma Institute
“Most psychotherapy focuses on stabilization and coping/self-management skills… While clients may appreciate learning ways to cope… they prefer healing… with healing, further treatment is not needed…”
The Essential Manual for Asperger Syndrome (ASD) in the Classroom
JKP Blog
“how hard a child with Asperger’s has to concentrate at school. She has to: survive the complex web of social interaction and expectations… deal with… sensory issues… learn the day’s lessons. Give… child a bit of slack…”
Media Literacy: 50 Talking Points for 50 Shades of Grey
Shaping Youth (Amy Jussel & Dina Alexander, MS)
“What is objectification? Objectification is seeing a person as an object, usually devoid of feelings, thoughts and intellect… What is empowerment? Can a relationship be empowering? Can it be devaluing?…”
Medicating Women’s Feelings
NYTimes (Julie Holland)
“Women’s emotionality is a sign of health, not disease… But… under constant pressure to restrain… emotional lives… taught to apologize for… tears, to suppress… anger…
When we are overmedicated, our emotions become synthetic…”
Prisons Perpetuate Trauma in Female Inmates
The Trauma and Attachment Report (Robert T. Muller)
“49% of nonconsensual sexual abuse in prisons involves staff sexual misconduct or sexual harassment toward prisoners… mental health services in prisons… nonexistent or inadequate…”
PTSD and Eating Disorders: A Natural Coping Mechanism
Your Life After Trauma (Michele Rosenthal)
“66% of eating disorder patients have a trauma history… two guests from the National Eating Disorder Association… first step to take if you think you may have an eating disorder…”
Social media & backstage performance – part I
Co-producing digital mental health (Victoria)
“online social networks… props which enable the audience (AKA ordinary people) to question, challenge… how really sociable institutions might avoid protest… engage with it more sociably…”
Transforming Difficulties Using Your Own Highest Wisdom
SoundsTrue (Jack Kornfield)
“excerpt from… Guided Meditation, Kornfield guides… with just ourselves and a little guidance, we can come to that place inside of us where we already know everything we need to know to make our way forward.”
Why Rejection Isn’t Real and Shouldn’t Harm Your Self-Esteem
HealthyPlace (Emily Roberts MA, LPC)
“As humans we are wired to want to feel accepted, it’s part of our self-esteem and biology… Reframe Rejection to Help Your Self-Esteem… you are amazing and have unique qualities, you should be with someone who wants to be with you, just, genuine, you…”
Captivology: The Science of Capturing People’s Attention
Beth’s Blog (Beth Kanter)
“metaphor of building a fire… how capturing attention works… three stages starting with ignition, what captures immediate attention… Automaticity… Framing… Disruption… Reward… Reputation… Mystery… Acknowledgement…”
Ready to see the world? Check out these nonprofit jobs abroad!
Idealist Careers (Matt Cifaldi)
“we’re a global organization and have thousands of opportunities across the world… an organization that offers the opportunity to work in many different countries, Save the Children International… Africa is a hotspot…”
Private Practice:
Ethics of Disclosure to Clients Who Pay With Plastic or Online Transfers
Person-Centered Tech (Roy Huggins, LPC NCC)
“before using… electronic payment services with clients… inform them about… emails or text messages that the service may send them… Our emails and text messages can end up in all kinds of places…”
SAQ, Part 2: How To Be A “Real-World Authority”
Beginning Counselor (Stephanie Adams)
“questions I thought that Beginning Counselors should be asking (SAQ)… clients will turn to other people and resources outside of our services before coming to us… 2-page worksheet…”
The Therapist’s Practical Guide To Working With Victim’s Compensation
Private Practice from the Inside Out (Becky Bringewatt, MA, LPC, NCC)
“people [in the United States] who have been victims of crime can receive necessary services… expectation that you have some experience in [providing therapy for] trauma or victimization… know how the legal system works…”
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Which of the above posts was your favorite for this week? Also, if you have a #mustread article to recommend, let us know below.
Thanks for mentioning Susan Robbins’ (aka Martin) song Survivor. This was part of The New Social Worker’s Social Work Month series, where we are featuring social workers’ talent this month. There are so many immensely talented social workers! I love it! As usual, your post is filled with great material this week.
Hi Linda,
Thank you for your kind feedback.
It was my pleasure to include Susan Robbin’s song Survivor; it was most inspiring!
Looking forward to reading (or experiencing) the talents of the other social workers whom you will be featuring during Social Work month 🙂