How Social Media Sparks Social Work Innovation
Have you wondered how social workers may benefit from using social media or how social media may spur innovation within social work?
As per the interview that Pat Shelly, the Director of Community Engagement and Expansion at the University of Buffalo’s School of Social Work, conducted with me on inSocialWork’s podcast, social media is an incredibly powerful tool in the social worker’s or mental health professional’s toolkit.
It not only helps you perform better at your job, but helps you be on the cutting edge of what is going on in the field!
I am personally grateful to social media and the gifts it has given me (and continues to provide). Before moving onto the interview, I’d like to take a moment to express my appreciation to Pat for being such a thoughtful client, colleague and interviewer, as well as to Nancy Smyth and Denise Krause.
Nancy (a dear friend and mentor whom I had first met through my blog/twitter while I was studying for my MSW) had kindly recommended me when Pat was in need of a social media coach, and Denise (knowing me and my work through my work with Pat, herself and Nancy) had thoughtfully recommended me to the inSocialWork podcast team.
In short, if it were not for these three innovative social workers and their generous support, I would never have had this amazing opportunity to be interviewed on UBSSW’s inSocialWork podcast.
Similarly, I’d like to thank Steve Halady and the rest of the inSocialWork podcast team for the interview and all their hard work before and after!
Below is an infographic with some of the key take-aways from our talk. I hope that you have a chance to listen to our chat and come back and share your thoughts 🙂
While you’re at it, check out the other wonderful resources on the UBSSW site such as: the Technology in Social Work Center, the Self-Care Starter Kit, SocialWorkSynergy blog and the vast inSocialWork podcast series.
Last but not least, if you have a few minutes, I’d be so grateful if you took a moment to provide a quick review of the podcast !
How has social media helped spark career opportunities, creative problem-solving or innovations for you?
Reference: Episode 170 – Dorlee Michaeli and Pat Shelly: How Social Media Expands Social Work Career Choices. (2015, June 22). inSocialWork® Podcast Series. [Audio Podcast] Retrieved from
P.S. Inspiration for the above image of Pat and I talking stemmed from the lovely one created by Tamara Suttle, M.Ed., LPC following an interview she had given Social Work.Career about establishing a private practice!

Thanks for your kind words, Dorlee! I’ve learned so much from watching how effectively you have used blogging and Twitter. I’m not sure if I ever told you this, but you’ve been silently mentoring me in those domains.
Thanks, also, for agreeing to do your interview with our podcast, inSocialWork. I hear from more and more alumni who realize they aren’t equipped to search for jobs now, and I’ve found one of the reasons they are having problems is that they haven’t created a robust professional social media presence — more and more, employers are using social media to pre-screen people for interviews. And many people will approach people about potential jobs based on knowing them professionally through social media.
Aww, thanks so much, Nancy! I most appreciate your kind feedback.
Yes, creating a positive social media profile in today’s times is no longer optional but a necessity.
I’m so looking forward to teaching my first class on this very topic of how to use social media to advance your career at the University of Buffalo in January of 2016!
With much gratitude,
Great interview Dorlee. Thanks for sharing your expertise. I think social media can easily be overwhelming and I always appreciate some guidance!
Hi Sharon,
Thanks so much for taking the time to listen to the podcast and share your kind feedback. I’m so glad you found it helpful.
Yes, I agree that social media with all its components and norms can be overwhelming (plus it is continually evolving). Taking it step by step and not attempting to be on every platform but only the one(s) you enjoy really helps 🙂
Thanks again!