Mental Health Roundup
This contains some of the latest news in social work, healthcare, private practice and more!
This week’s wrap-up has 6 main themes:
- Therapy/Relationships
- Healthcare
- Advocacy
- Self-Care
- Social Work, Tech & Education
- NonProfit Career/Private Practice
- 7 Questions for Opening Your Therapy Sessions – Ili Walter – “Goal-oriented opening questions… What are your best hopes for our talk today? (solution oriented)… What would you like to be different when you walk out of here today? (change oriented)…”
- How Does Attachment Style Affect Our Relationships? – Therapy Chat podcast interview w/Stuart Fensterheim – “the needs of a young baby to experience touch and closeness, continue with us throughout our adult life…”
- How To Address Cross Cultural Differences – Esther Perel – “we can all start by asking… What are the messages you received at home about “the other”? Were you encouraged to get to know them? Or were you taught to distrust or ignore them?…”
- How to Communicate So You’ll Be Heard – Julie Hanks and Love Rice – “communication strategies and tips… personal stories about difficult conversations we’ve had recently…”
- An Internal Home for the Holidays – New Social Worker/Danna Bodenheimer – “We can be the secure attachment… the… diary that reflects the realities of one’s inner world… reader of the diary sharing what we see as the story unfolds; or we can sit, side by side, as the storms pass through…”
- Investigating identity – Counseling Today/Laurie Meyers – “sense of not quite belonging — or even being told that they don’t belong — often starts early for multiracial individuals… important… to start with very small children talking about skin color and how it’s different, but to give no meaning to color… “
- The psychology of money – All in the Mind podcast interview w/Claudia Hammond – “we do tend to believe that expensive is good… So, often it is true. But sometimes it isn’t… spending money on experiences makes us much happier than spending money on things…”
- Tweens and the New Rules of Parenting – Your Teen Magazine/Dr. Namrow, Amy Speidel & Sara Stephenson – “This is the first time you don’t get to pick their friends for them… find out what your child needs when it comes to developing these [executive function] skills and help them work on those…”
- Understanding the Mind of a Grieving Child – Elke Barber/JKP – “They will ask you questions. Lots of them. And they will ask them again and again… young children think very, very literally… Don’t be frightened to show your own grief…”
- Understanding Spiritual Abuse, Part 2 – Women in Depth podcast interview w/Tamara Powell – “How spiritual abuse… can damage a person’s world view… make you question yourself… factors that make people vulnerable…”
- Ways parents and teens can receive support around suicide and prevention – Launching Your Daughter podcast interview w/Jonathan Singer – “how parents can communicate with their teenager about concerns of suicide… Breaking the myth that speaking about suicide will make person suicidal… Resources…”
- Invent Health – Susannah Fox – “keynote that highlighted how the maker movement intersects with the e-patient movement… how the internet gives us access not only to information but also to each other… key to unlocking the potential for innovation in health care…”
- What happened to you? Trauma informed approaches to mental health care – Sarah Carr – “findings of the narrative overview suggest that trauma informed approaches may have beneficial effects in… Reduced post-traumatic stress symptoms and general mental health problems… shorter inpatient stays…”
- Meta-analysis: What, Why, and How – Ammar Ismail – “Meta-analysis is a statistical technique for combining data from multiple studies on a particular topic… at the top of the evidence-based medicine pyramid…”
- Power poses don’t help and could potentially backfire – “initial study reported increases in feelings of power, risk taking and testosterone and a decrease in cortisol… Penn researchers found… if you’re a loser and you take a winner or high power pose, your testosterone decreases…”
- #DisabilityTooWhite at the Disability & Intersectionality Summit – Vilissa Thompson – “Summit… disabled people of color… dominated… over-whiteness problem must be fixed by Whites because it was created by Whites…”
- Here’s Your Proof That White Americans Don’t Face Systemic Racism – Jon Greenberg – “a typical White household has sixteen times the wealth of a Black household…discriminatory housing practices… large role in today’s wealth disparities…”
- ‘How to Make your Case to Decisionmakers,’ – Dept of Justice’s Jolene Hernon/BCSocialWork – “It’s about the audience… Keep it short and simple… Rank your goals, and start with… most important… Practice… Talk slowly…”
- Media Night 11.17.16 – Language Matters in #MacroSW– w/ @socworkpodcast & @StuckonSW – archive of chat about how language matters in macro social work practice, specifically when talking about suicide…”
- Nadine Burke Harris Carries Message about Child Trauma to White House and Back – SJS – “pioneered the development and use of a universal tool to screen children for childhood trauma… sleep, nutrition, exercise… “
- Nauru – podsocs podcast – “Asylum seekers… who have arrived… detained indefinitely in inhumane and cruel conditions… Alyssa Munoz speaks out about… working with asylum seekers and refugees…”
- The Progress Saboteur: the calm and the storm – Teenage Whisperer – “After my mother cracked and walloped me a ton
She’d feel guilty and treat me like her beloved son… “ - Safety Pins and Being an Ally – Jonathan Wynn – “For some, a safety pin seemed like a straightforward thing… symbol of support… But… questions about whether or not wearing a pin is just token activism and ally theater…”
- Transgender Rights and Resources – Cathy Hanville – “you do not currently need a court ordered gender change to change your California driver’s license… For info on other states… National Center For Transgender Equality…”
- Trump Victory Shows Racial Justice Movement Needs Better Storytellers – SWHelper – “‘White identity’ politics… Struggles for racial justice… left must learn to tell competing narratives that build coalitions around racial justice…”
- Civility (or the lack thereof) and New Media Literacies in the 21st Century – JimmySW – “social media is not necessarily to blame because it is simply a tool. A tool that we have collectively shaped, which now shapes us…”
- Got Post-Election Blues? How to Take Action! – [own] “Vivian Ohtake-Urizar… steps that you may employ to object to… appointments… cause to be concerned… Consider: Volunteering… “
- NASW New York City Chapter responds to Election of Donald J. Trump – “Trauma reactions can manifest in subtle and overt ways including a general malaise, muscle tension and headaches, feelings of hopelessness…”
- Regrouping – Rachel L. West – “Many of us are shocked and dismayed by the election results… There is cause to be concerned… need for community organizing work…”
- Safety Pin Idea – therapydoc – “Should we be worried, fearful that the American way of life, liberty and justice for all, will disappear?…Rather than worry, some have taken to wearing safety pins…”
- Trump, Political Correctness and Power – Ermitrude – “Trumpism… If there’s something that we can gain in this, it can only be gained by uniting to condemn racism, sexism, disablism, anti-semitism, xenophobia…”
- When Everything Hurts – Danna Bodenheimer/New Social Worker – “We can no longer subscribe to a binary between micro and macro practice… The economy is a social justice issue; the economy is a clinical issue…”
- Why Mr. Trump Saying “Stop It” is Not Enough – Sean Erreger – “Mr. Trump and his supporters maintain he is not a racist… There is a disconnect between his alleged personal views and his policies/actions about race…”
- Wanted: Social Workers on Capitol Hill – inSocialWork podcast interview w/Dr. Donaldson, Dr. Holmes, & Dr. Lewis, Jr.- “importance of social workers pushing past their reticence and becoming more involved in the political process…”
- What Would Make a Reproductive Justice Action Toolkit Useful to You? – Nicole Clarke – “What people think Reproductive Justice looks likes isn’t really Reproductive Justice at all… survey to get your opinion on what crucial elements… should be included…”
- Are Your High Standards for Yourself Making You Anxious? – HealthyPlace/ Tanya J. Peterson -“signs that your high standards are making you anxious include… fear of failure… Fear of being just not good enough…”
- Cultivating Resilience To Prevent Bullying and Cyberbullying – Sameer Hinduja – “I am able to adapt when changes occur… I can deal with whatever comes my way… I try to see the humorous side of things when I am faced with problems…”
- Down to the Nitty Gritty – Martha Crawford – “as a psychotherapist in private practice you are self-employed… You can’t really imagine not being able to work… And then you find out on a Monday that you have cancer…”
- How to Use Mindfulness to Cope with Holiday Stress – Sharon Martin – “Do less… Enjoy the process not just the outcome… Take the opportunity to really connect with others…”
- Painting Through Grief with Joy Simon – Amy Johnson Maricle – ” a way for us all to talk about really difficult things in really beautiful and transforming ways…”
- Rolling in the Deep…10 Tips for Self Care – Perfected Practice – “Have two kinds of social networks… Work on your professional boundaries… Follow others in our field that are doing awesome work…”
Social Work, Education & Technology
- Google Extensions 4 Socwkrs – thesocialworkpad – “Timer: You can set the timer for any time you want. When your time is up, you’ll hear the alarm sound… Screencastify… record your screen activity for creating tutorials…”
- Practicing Presence: Integrating Mindfulness Training into Direct Practice – inSocialWork podcast interview w/Dr. Annemarie Gockel- “what mindfulness can look like in a classroom setting and how to introduce this method…”
- Public engagement in research – “why public engagement is important, what researchers can gain from encouraging people from outside academia to read their work, and what skills you need to do it successfully…”
- Social Media Societies of Questionable Benefit to Mental Health – “social media can serve as a virtual support group… But… participating in self-harm message boards online can normalize and encourage self-harm…”
- Using Learning Wheels: The #APLOL16 Connected Conference – Laurel Hitchcock & Amanda Taylor – ” Conference LearningWheel helps document learning that occurs during and after a conference… collating content… through… GoogleDocs…”
- VR is Therapeutic. But Could It Change Therapy as We Know It? – Michael Greene – “Virtually Better has developed programs that address fears of flying, storms, spiders, heights, and public speaking… With virtual reality we can help the person to relearn that they are safe…”
- What Is A Therapeutic RPG Game Master? – Geek Therapy – “tabletop role-playing games… Advanced Dungeons & Dragons… how two therapists… run RPG groups to develop better social skills…”
NonProfit Career/Private Practice
- 5 Nonprofit Technology Trends to Watch in 2017 – “Declining Engagement and Reach on Social Media…unless your nonprofit has an advertising budget…”
- 6 Insights The Sharing Economy Tells Us About The Future Of Fundraising – Rob Wu – “Relationships Matter… Recommendations Are Key… even playing field expands your donor pool…”
- How to Optimize Your Psychology Today Profile – Practice of the Practice – “focus on who you are helping… set up dedicated landing page for Psychology Today users… “
- How to Start a Therapeutic Group in Your Private Practice – Selling the Couch interview w/Diane Webb- “transition to private practice… Why your focus should be on serving others…”
- Newsjacking: What It Is and How to Do It – Ellie Burke – “act of leveraging breaking news to draw eyes to your organization and cause… Could the point that we’re making be misconstrued?…”
- Should I give my ebook away for free or should I charge for it? -Ask Juliet & Clinton Show – “If you don’t have a list… consider giving it away for free, because that’s how you can build a list… If… determined to sell… consider…”
- Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders and the Social Work Exam – Social Work Test Prep – “A woman tells a social worker that she’s been “a wreck” every since… In which of the following categories do these symptoms belong?…”
- When to Raise your Fees – Kelly Higdon – “When you are full or have a waitlist… Imagine if in your informed consent, your clients are made aware that fees are reassessed on an annual basis…”
- Math Makes Fee Setting Fun! – Abundance Practice-Building/Stacey Steinmiller – “I really wanted to know the financial investment my clients are making or being asked to make and the impact that has on their lives…”
- Writing Your Client’s Journey – QAPrep interview w/Jo Muirhead – “Set up a checklist for each task… Create a centralized place and system for all tasks… identify holes in the system… Schedule everything…”
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Thanks for including my post on Transgender Rights and Resources. I truly appreciate it.
It was my pleasure, Cathy. Thanks for posting this valuable information!