Mental Health Roundup 7/17/17 – 8/6/17
This contains some of the latest news in social work, healthcare, private practice and more! It may assist you in better parenting, working with transgender persons, advocating, employing DBT, teaching online/using social media, increasing resilience and building a private practice.
This wrap-up’s main themes are:
- Therapy and Relationships
- Advocacy
- Healthcare
- Social Work, Technology & Education
- Self Care/Inspiration
- NonProfit Career & Private Practice
Therapy and Relationships
- At My Core, I’m Not the Same: Spiritual Injury and Military Trauma (1 of 2) – InSocialWork podcast interview w/Clyde Angel, John Sullivan, and Vincent Starnino – “research and what they are learning about the impact of spiritual risk and protective factors on healing spiritual injury and wounding…”
- ‘Blue Whale Challenge’: What a Psychologist Wants All Parents to Know – Amanda McGough/Shrink Tank – “online “game” that ultimately lures teens into dying by suicide…Start a conversation on if they or their friends know about the game or are playing it…”
- Parenting The Traumatized Child – Family Couch interview w/Laura Reagan – “Traumatic situations occur daily… However, how the child reacts, is comforted… impact whether… create a lasting traumatic impression…”
- Raise Your Emotional Intelligence As A Parent – Family Couch interview w/Sarah MacLoughlin – “breaking down the emotions (disgust, anger, sadness, and joy) and acknowledging them… first step to understand them…”
- Turning Parent-Teen Stress Into Parent-Teen Success – Neil D. Brown – “shift the relationship from… strict teen accountability to their parents to teen accountability and responsibility for themselves… parent-teen control battle… pattern… where kids are continually avoiding responsibilities…”
- When Parenting Reveals Our Shadow – Women-in-Depth interview w/Lisa Marchiano – “Indicators to know you are experiencing shadow and how to work with it… Why our children… provoke such strong reactions…”
- Container of Hope. A Feeling of Home – Practice of Being Seen interview w/Margaret Thompson – “skills you need to navigate trauma and attachment… become a “container for hope” for… clients…”
- Counseling transgender persons and their families – Al Carlozzi/Counseling Today – “most transgender persons experience dysphoria… 41 percent of transgender persons attempt suicide… Social support is very important…”
- Dating, Relationships and being a Teen Girl – Launching Your Daughter interview w/ Karen Rayne – “conversations around asexuality and romantic sexual orientations… Support for parents in their teenage dating…”
- DBT: Wise Mind -Walk the Middle Way – Kathy Morelli – “important DBT foundational skill… When a person is using “WISE MIND,” s/he is allowing for both logic and emotion… Negative Self-Talk Positive Counter-statements… This is unbearable. ===== > I can learn how to cope better with this…”
- How does gender stereotyping really affect children? – Ros Ball & James Millar – “patriarchy and the toxic masculinity it feeds off are really bad for boys too…”
- This is how clients really change –
- What is Your Kryptonite? A Multicultural, Clinical Application of Superhero Therapy – Susan Gonsalves – “Have the patient identify a superhero… “What about this story resonates with you? What challenges does she or he have to overcome?…”
- 2017 ACOSA Awards – Rachel L. West – “six categories… recognizes outstanding scholarship… lifetime contributions of a person in the field… Nominations must be received by September 9, 2017…”
- First CRISP Boot Camp Gives Social Workers a Jump Start in Political Arena – Carrie Fowler/New Social Worker – “social workers represent just above one percent of Congressional representatives in the House and Senate…”
- First impressions—the face bias – All in the Mind interview w/Alexander Todorov- “faces that kind of look happy are perceived as more trustworthy… when you feel good you will look better and people will perceive you better…”
- How to Fight Financial Fraud – SJS/Center for Financial Social Work – “webinar recording… Risk factors… prevalence… tactics employed by fraudsters…How to fight fraud in your community…”
- NASW calls on President Trump to rescind plan to ban transgender from military – “ban… disrespectful to and clearly disregards the honorable service of all transgender and gender non-conforming service members…”
- Why Sexual Assault Kits Are Not Submitted for DNA Testing – Jessica Shaw/bcsocialwork – “Chronic Resource Scarcity… pervasive victim-blaming perspective… we need to be involved in efforts to solve the problem…”
- Working While on Disability Should Not Be Penalized – Becky Oberg/Healthy Place – “Going on disability virtually guarantees one will live in poverty, and it’s a self-perpetuating system…”
- Clinicians Weigh in on the Controversy around 13 Reasons Why – Psychotherapy Networker – “13 Reasons Why… one of Netflix’s most watched features… guidelines on talking to students who have seen it…”
- Thirteen Sociological Things about 13 Reasons Why – “depiction of Mr. Porter in 13 Reasons Why—he ignores the warning signs of suicide and rape when Hannah reached out to him—is particularly damaging…”
- What is a pilot study? – Luiz Cadete – “small-scale, preliminary studies which aim to investigate whether crucial components of a main study – usually a randomized controlled trial (RCT) – will be feasible…”
- Yoga effective at reducing symptoms of depression – “studies suggest that yoga-based interventions have promise for depressed mood and that they are feasible for patients with chronic, treatment-resistant depression…”
Social Work, Technology & Education
- Happy, Focused, and Productive: There Is An App for That! – Beth Kanter – “Sanebox can help you clean up your email… Moment… how many hours per week you spend on your phone…”
- Improving access on campus – Katherine Deane – “As my own disability progressed and I needed to use a wheelchair… if… barriers… removed… people with disabilities can demonstrate their brilliance…copy of our Access Guide…”
- Social Media Toolkit for Social Work Field Educators – Allison M. Curington & Laurel Hitchcock – “maintain an online identity for professional purposes… Educator’s Guide provides directions… and handouts… pre-formatted slides… for presenting…”
- Technology Standard’s Impact in Social Work – archive of #MacroSW Chat, 7/20/2017 with Allan Barsky… “roadmap to think critically about our social work roles in relation to how we use technology now and in the future…”
- Upcoming Digital Scholar Webinar Series – [free] series introduces health researchers to digital approaches and tools… recruiting study participants online… accelerating the dissemination of research results…”
- What Therapists (Ok, Just this One) Are Saying About Mental Health Chatbots – Sean Erreger – “WoeBot is a automated chatbot that checks on you daily and offers some “sessions” in cognitive behavioral therapy…”
- What Students Can Teach Us about Online Learning – “best” teachers had multiple ways to present ideas and were relatable and involved…”
- The Capacity for Resilience – Elizabeth Bishop/Social Work Helper – “resilience… moves us beyond our capacity to survive and straight into our divine right to thrive…”
- Expressive Arts: Music Therapy – Therapy Chat interview w/Maya Benattar – “how to slow down your hectic life, explore your dreams and thoughts through mindfulness, play and more…”
- Self-Compassion Tips to Boost Wellbeing – “Self-compassion, as per Kristin Neff, PhD… entails giving ourselves “the same kindness and care we’d give a good friend…”
- Social Media with Soul – Josie Ahlquist – “using social media with a soulful approach can lift our spirits and even increase a sense of humanity that spans digital and physical spaces…”
- A Soul Care Plan for Therapists: The Personal Respite – Ili Walter -“give yourself time and space to rest and re-energize (however that looks for you)… getting enough sleep… simplified schedule that allows for reflection…”
NonProfit Career & Private Practice
- Building a practice where therapy isn’t always embraced – Kelly & Miranda – “Mental health stigma is still prevelant in our culture… meeting in the middle… what would it be like if we did an initial on sliding fee scale…”
- My Struggle to Find a Niche – Selling the Couch podcast – “How most clinicians find a niche: Some focus on a diagnosis, condition, or presenting concern… Some… on a population… Some… on a training…”
- Starting a Practice – Practice of the Practice interview w/Ciji Gamble – “outsourcing that which sucks up your time and is not your expertise is a good idea sometimes… if you’re going to partner with someone they need to bring something that you don’t have…”
- What’s the best call to action to have on a website? – Ask Juliet & Clinton – “use very direct, precise language. Tell them in simple terms what they need to do next… I have a free 15-minute telephone consultation… fairly high conversion rate… probably over 60 or 70%…”
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