Mental Health Roundup 12/1/18 – 12/23/18
This roundup contains some of the latest news in social work, healthcare, private practice and more! Embrace SMART self-care, start up your own private practice, get comfortable talking with others who have different views, understand Medicare, work with teen survivors of sexual violence, build self-sufficiency among low-income job seekers and more.
This wrap-up’s main themes are:
- Therapy and Relationships
- Healthcare
- Advocacy
- Self-Care/Inspiration
- Social Work, Technology & Education
- NonProfit Career & Private Practice
Therapy and Relationships
- The Challenging Transition From High School To College – Neil Brown – “Realize that the goal is to help your daughter develop self-reliance and self-confidence… talk with her about the social challenges she’s facing and express confidence in her ability to manage them…”
- How To Structure Therapy, So Parents Will Participate – Ili Walter w/Kristin O’Rourke – “educate parents on why it’s important for them to be involved… we can’t always control the child’s behavior, but we can control our reaction to it…”
- If you Weren’t Overeating, What Would You Be Doing More of? Less of? – Francine Broder – “imagine a life in which… caring for herself in the service of her value of feeling better and having more energy… set… environment up to work for her…”
- New Tool for Managing Mental Health – Danielle S. Taubman/Psychiatric Times – “Patients who use educational resources… more likely to become an active and engaged participant in managing his or her own health… Depression Center Toolkit is available to the public for free…”
- Serving Teen Survivors: A Manual for Advocates – NSVRC – overview on the unique issues young people who are sexual violence survivor’s face… tip sheets… information on confidentiality and mandated reporting laws… recent research…”
- Subtle Signs of Emotional Abuse in Marriage – Julie Hanks – “constant minimizing of your thoughts & feelings… Little things are always framed as being your fault… Little things set them off into explosive behavior…”
- The Yellow Heart Effect: Snapchat Relationships By Emoji – Anya Eydelman/Your Teen Magazine – “Snapchat, the social media app with the ghost icon, has an emoji system… savor the priceless moments of interacting in person…”
- You Believe in Me – “Aaron T. Beck – “ideal result of the therapy would be to instill a sense of personal appreciation which could be reflected in a statement such as “I believe in me”…
- America’s mental health disparities – Bethany Bray/Counseling Today – “Mental health care availability and access vary tremendously depending on where you live in the United States…”
- BlueIce app for managing self-harm: what do young people think? – Bethan Davies/Mental Elf – “different techniques that young people could use to help them manage their urge to self-harm… helpful, easy to use, and safe…”
- Healthier Communities Start With Kids – Sara Kendall/Culture of Health – “Where we live shapes how well and how long we live… Framing the conversation around the wellbeing of children helps bring different stakeholders together…”
- Medicare Open Enrollment: Programmatic and Policy Concerns – Pat Shelly/Dr. Louanne Bakk/SocialWorkSynergy – “Transcript of [#MacroSW] chat… Medicare basics, Open Enrollment, associated costs, policy issues, and how to help beneficiaries pick the best plan…”
- Trauma-informed approaches in mental health: co-optable and corruptible?– Sarah Carr/Mental Elf – “Trauma-informed approaches in mental health were influenced by research into adverse childhood experiences… need for a realignment of the knowledge base, power and responsibility…”
- Why Healthcare Loves to Hate The Apple Watch 4 ECG – Stuck on Social Work – “having access to this data can empower patients to make decisions about their healthcare and be informed of their progress… serious questions about its accuracy…”
- 3 Ways To Talk To Your Friends & Family About Their Ableist Views – Alaina Leary – “The more you know about your friends and family’s ableist views and where they come from, the more you’ll be able to connect with them when you talk…”
- The World Drug Perception Problem: Countering Prejudice About People Who Use Drugs – “Drugs are often presented as unnatural contaminants, pushed into a society from the outside or by deviant forces, and many people fear them. In reality, taking substances to alter one’s mind seems to be a universal impulse, seen in almost all cultures around the world and across history…”
- The Elephant in Every Socially-Just Room – Sam Killermann – “Just by surfacing the subject, naming it specifically and explaining how it shows up, people can see how it’s influencing them, ways it might not be helpful, and what they can do instead…”
- #MacroSW: A Benefit Corporation with a Social Work Mission– Kristin Battista-Frazee – “revenue-generating entity with a focus on social responsibility… raise funds to… develop new content and create conversation around macro social work practice…”
- Planners & Disability: When Two Worlds Collide Effortlessly – Vilissa Thompson -“Planning gives many of us the organization we need to make our lives function (almost) smoothly… Each planner has a purpose, whether it’s a catch-all, gratitude, business, projects planning, fitness…”
- Simple Acts to Change the World– Amy Neumann/Beth’s Blog – “ideas for people of all ages, with all interests and abilities… One of the greatest gifts anyone can give to another person, in my opinion, is the gift of helping others…”
- Support, Employment Hope, and Economic Self-Sufficiency Among Low-Income Jobseekers – InSocialWork podcast interview w/Dr. Philip Hong – “how welfare reform efforts play out through… the lives of people living them… the role of hope and psychological self-sufficiency as articulated by client recipients…”
- 18 Simple and Fun Holiday Self Care Tips (You’ve not tried!) – Ben Barrett – “Take a stroll around the block… submerging your body in warm water… add some Epsom salt… getting coffee or hot chocolate can be the perfect escape…”
- Collaging self awareness – Kristina Sargent – “create a collage exploring the relationship with oneself… keep a trauma informed stance of helping the individual… feel safe…”
- Perfectionism Isn’t Always About Being Perfect – Heidi Green/HealthyPlace – “Perfectionism Keeps Us from Trying New Things…”
- Purifying Our Living Spaces – Women In-Depth Podcast w/Michael Spencer – “understand our attachments to our accumulated belongings, why it’s challenging to let them go and just having a sense of how we feel in our spaces and around our things…”
- Ready, Set, SMART—Your Ticket to Social Worker Self-Care in the New Year! – Erlene Grise-Owens/New Social Worker – “partial example below can be modified to fit your individual self-care. Typical plans include physical, social, psychological, professional/academic, and spiritual…”
- Sleep deeper and longer – Jackie Pool/JKP – “natural production of melatonin to aid sleep patterns needs a person to be in a dimly lit setting… sleep patterns should be combined with eating patterns…”
- Surviving The Holidays – Therapy Chat w/Sharon Martin – “Try to remember that we all have a finite amount of time, so when you say “yes” to one thing, you’re saying “no” to something else…”
- Why do I overeat when I’m stressed? – Michelle May – “Stress is a very common trigger for eating, because eating provides temporary distraction or comfort… Instead of trying to escape what you’re experiencing, pause and take a few deep breaths…”
Social Work, Technology & Education
- 5 Social Workers to Follow in 2019 – Rachel L. West – “Anonymous SW Lecturer @SwLecturer… account is written by an anonymous social work adjunct professor…”
- Artificial Intelligence Ideas and Social Work – Laura Burney Nissen – “AI is and will continue to change the world – social workers must decide for ourselves how best to ethically engage with it as it happens…”
- The Centre of Open Science and promoting openness in research – Taylor & Francis – “process of science really depends on transparent sharing and evaluation of underlying evidence…”
- Experience Required: Walking the Talk in Digital Teaching & Learning -Bonnie Stewart – “experiential learning is, ultimately, about navigating change… help us integrate new and complexity-oriented practices into existing understandings… In the slide deck… clips and screencaps from… experiential… approaches I’ve tried… teaching…”
- An Extensive Guide to Copyright and Fair Use – Richard Byrne – “best way to avoid any kind of copyright infringement concerns is to use media that you have created yourself… copy of my guide to finding media to use in classroom projects…”
- Lesson from Embedding Gender Equity in Our Work – FSG -Watch out for biases when framing research questions… Observe the context, not just the interviewee…”
- The Special Commission on Macro Practice -Social Work Podcast interview w/Dr. Darlyne Bailey & Dr. Terry Mizrahi – “false dichotomy between micro and macro practice… a call for the social work profession… increasing the percentage of macro-concentration social work students…”
Nonprofit Career and Private Practice
- 2018’s Top 5 Social Media Ethics Issues – Roy Huggins – “Oversharing client info in online forums when requesting referrals… Messy email and texting boundaries…”
- 10 Ways to Diversify Your Social Work Income in 2019 – Dustin MacDonald/SWH – “open a private practice… start writing… join a Speakers Bureau… creating apps that don’t exist yet to help people…”
- Busting Myths About Starting in a Private Practice While Pre-Licensed – Tyra Butler/Practice of the Practice – Myth 1: You must wait until you’re fully licensed to get into private practice… you must practice under supervision… In some states you must be employed by the supervisor and share their office space…”
- Designing Your Office – Allison Puryear w/Hillary Holmes – “you’re really thinking of who am I seeing? Who am I marketing to? And what do they feel comfortable and safe in?… most clients… want a sense of warmth and coziness…”
- Financial Planning for Retirement – Colin Wien/PsychCentral – “compressed retirement saving timeline… determine what sort of lifestyle you’d like in retirement. Then quantify your living expenses, based on your retirement activities and lifestyle goals…”
- Free 2019 Private Practice Challenge– Miranda Palmer – “Each week we will be doing a LIVE webinar with Q & A, and giving you some specific at home (or office) challenges to get on track…”
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