This post is part of the monthly series, Free Webinars for Social Workers and Mental Health Professionals, featuring over 45 free webcasts that we could find for you this month in the field of social work and mental health.
To make it easier for you to find a webinar that is of interest to you, they are now organized by the following categories: addiction, advocacy/anti-racism, aging/caregiving, career, child welfare, clinical practice, parenting, self-care and other.
If we’ve missed any free webcasts that you are aware of, please feel free to add them in the comments section below!
Please note:
- Most but not all provide CEs. A few providers may require a nominal fee.
- To register, click on the desired green webinar title link; this will take you to the registration area.
- To ask Qs or confirm CE details, please contact the sponsoring organization of the webinar that is of interest to you.
- To have your free mental health webinar considered for inclusion, please provide details below.
March Webinars 2023
- Enhancing the Effectiveness of Public Safety-led Overdose Prevention in Black, Indigenous and People of Color Communities – NCMW/Mar 8 at 2 PM ET – “present a new approach to enhance the effectiveness of public safety-led overdose prevention in Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) communities”
- The Family Meeting in Palliative Care: Best Practices – MJHS/Mar 2 at 12:30 PM ET – “Discuss best practices related to the family meeting in hospice and palliative care”
- How to Engage in Cultural Humility When Working with Minoritized Individuals Ages 65 and Older – ASAging/Mar 7 at 1 PM ET – “review in-depth intersecting minority identities among older adults (focusing primarily on race, disability, social class, and LGTBQ+ identities) and will encourage participants to explore their own biases and assumptions, as well as strategies for reducing cultural bias in clinical interactions”
- New Avenues of Access to Mental Health Resources, Emotional Aspects of Growing Old – MS Views/Mar 8 at 7 PM ET
- Aging and Mental Health: Interventions to Address Loneliness and Social Isolation – ASAging/Mar 14 at 1 PM ET – “introduces definitions, prevalence, risk factors, and the social, physical and mental health impacts of loneliness and social isolation on older adults, followed by successful assessments and interventions to integrate into care settings”
- Understanding and Caring for Persons with Down Syndrome and Alzheimer’s Disease – ALZOC/Mar 14 at 2:30 PM ET – “Key concepts in dementia care will be reviewed, including strategies for understanding and responding to dementia-related behaviors, successful communication strategies and best practices in dementia care for individuals with Down syndrome.”
- Helping Older Adults Manage Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias – McLean/Mar 21 at 11 AM ET – “breaks down what we should know about dementia and other cognitive disorders, shares tips for finding effective treatment”
- Supporting Mental and Emotional Health in Aging – ASAging/Mar 22 at 1 PM ET – “learn more about mental and emotional health in later years and how to best support someone with mental health needs and their caregivers.”
- Social Influencers of Health and Suicide in Black Youth – DI/March 1 at 12 PM ET – “describe social influencers of health and their disproportionate impact on the social and emotional well-being of Black youth. We will also explore protective factors that foster strength, resilience, and radical healing in the Black community”
- Deafhood Training Part 3: Communicating Effectively – GIEI/Mar 1 at 2 PM ET – “The Dos and Don’ts of including Deaf and hard of hearing people in your meetings on Zoom and in-person”
- Harm Reduction (HR) Strategies for Hispanic and Latino Populations at Risk – ATTC/Mar 9 at 2 PM ET – “Identify and describe harm reduction strategies. Discuss pertinence of HR strategies with Latino populations”
- Intent versus Impact: Understanding Microaggressions – TI/Mar 15 at 9:45 AM – 12 PM ET – “Introduce the concept of microaggressions and explore examples as they relate to education, media, and the workplace.”
- Adding up the Cost of Health Inequities – NCMW/Mar 15 at 2 PM ET – “addresses the failures in our health care system, consequences of health inequity on Black Americans and presents strategies to overcome this long-standing problem.”
- Mental Health and Obesity in the Black Community – MHTTC/Mar 16 at 12 PM ET – “discussion on why the condition is more prevalent among Black Americans, stigma, and concurrently treating mental health disorders and obesity in this population”
- Knowledge Keeper Prophecies: Teachings and Storytelling to Guide Values-Based Responses to Crisis and Disasters – NIWRC/Mar 17 at 2 PM ET – “hear from valued Knowledge Keepers of 3 different Tribal Nations on prophecies, teachings, and stories that support their communities in regaining perspective on what actions to take during this time of great turmoil as the new world struggles to be born”
- Eliminating Health Inequities in People with Serious Mental Illness: A Call to Action – Columbia/Mar 23 at 4:30 PM ET – “factors that contribute to these health inequities and ways to solve them”
- A Conversation about Ableism and Neurodiversity: Diversity and Inclusion in Mental Health – CTAC/Mar 27 at 2:30 PM – “gain further perspectives about tackling ableism in order to promote neurodiversity and ultimately to support the youth and families within New York State and beyond.”
- Benefits and Consequences of Racial Segregation in Early Childhood – ECI/Mar 30 at 2 PM ET – “use a critical lens to examine the implications of racial segregation in early childhood especially when seeking to advance equity for Black children and other children of color”
- Balancing Work & Cancer Webinar: Career Change – CC/Mar 1 at 6 PM ET – “A cancer experience can often an inspire a desire for change or it can require it… This session will provides tools for approaching the process of shifting careers, including:”
- SSA Disability Benefits & Work Incentives: A Webinar for Social Security Beneficiaries – SSA/Mar 23 at 3 PM ET – “Are you a Social Security disability beneficiary and want to know how working will affect your benefits? Are you afraid of losing benefits or medical coverage if you return to work?”
- Getting Me Cheap: How Low-Wage Work Traps Women and Girls in Poverty – Hunter/Mar 23 at 6 PM ET – “follow women in the food, health care, home care, and other low-wage industries as they struggle to balance mothering with difficult jobs and without public aid. While these women tend to the needs of well-off families, their own children frequently step into premature adult roles, providing care for siblings and aging family member”
Child Welfare
- The Power of Stories: Selecting the Best Books and Related Activities for Preschoolers – ECI/Mar 9 at 2 PM ET – “A preschooler’s experiences with books can shape their future! Throughout the early years, literacy development is intertwined with language, cognitive, social-emotional and motor growth”
- Taken to Extremes: Online Radicalism, Polarization, and Youth – Children and Screens/Mar 15 at 12 PM ET – “share examples of the digital mechanisms by which extremists target and capture the attention of youth, how media is impacting polarization around the world, and what steps could be taken to limit the features of digital media that contribute most to extremism in youth.”
- The Myth of School Readiness – ECI/Mar 15 at 2 PM ET – “Analyze the term “school readiness” and what it means in the field of early learning.”
- The Healing Power of Play and Optimism – ECI/Mar 23 at 2 PM ET – “discover the power of optimism to create safe, loving, joyful, and engaging environments where kids can heal, grow and thrive”
- So What Does it Take to Effectively Support Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools – Anna Freud/Mar 27 at 12:30 PM ET – “look at support for children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing in schools”
- To Telehealth or Not to Telehealth: Supporting Child and Adolescent Mental Health Providers – CTAC/Mar 30 at 1 PM ET – “review and describe ways to practice telehealth and will also include examples from providers’ practice wisdom”
Clinical Practice
- Understanding and Supporting the Executive Functioning of Autistic Students – MHTTC/Mar 1 at 12 PM ET – “an overview of evidence-based approaches that can be used to support the executive functioning of autistic students, including those with co-occurring ADHD”
- When ADHD Triggers Emotional Outbursts: Scripts for Your Flashpoints – ADDitude/Mar 1 at 1 PM ET – “using tools from cognitive behavioral therapy, internal family systems, brain science, and mindfulness to help you discover how to work with your triggers, make intentional choices about words and actions, collaborate on recovering from blow-ups, and make meaningful amends”
- Invisible Injuries: The Complex Intersection of Domestic Violence, Behavioral Health, Traumatic Brain Injury and Strangulation – MHTTC/Mar 1 at 2 PM ET – “Brain injury caused by domestic violence is rarely identified and almost never immediately treated, and results in short- and long-term physical, emotional, and cognitive consequences that can impact every area of a person’s life–including their ability to successfully access and participate in your agency’s services”
- Nonviolent Communication- Part 1: Using Empathy – FICW/Mar 1 at 6:30 PM ET – “Nonviolent Communication (NVC), sometimes referred to as Compassionate Communication, offers a powerful tool for positive social change”
- Stimulants 101 – ATTC/Mar 7, 14, 21, 28 & Apr 4, 11 at 4 PM ET – “an overview of the impact of stimulant drugs, and current treatment options”
- The Role of Psychodynamic and Psychosocial Factors in Improving Medication Adherence and Outcome – MHTTC/Mar 8 at 12 PM ET – “Taking into consideration the psychodynamic and psychosocial aspects at the time of prescribing can play a significant factor to improve the treatment outcome.”
- How to Teach Self-Regulation and Executive Function Skills for Independent Living – ADDitude/Mar 8 at 1 PM ET – “building executive function and independent-living skills in students “
- Trauma, Attach(e)ment and Resilience Summit – Quantum Way/Mar 9-20 – “How we traumatize ourselves – or not… How finding ways to regulate and anchor in ventral can be the path forward to creating a safe and connected world… Resilience-Informed Therapy… Deb Dana… Arielle Schwartz… “
- Recognizing and Understanding Complex PTSD – McLean/Mar 9 at 11 AM ET – “provides an overview of C-PTSD and its treatment, shares tips for recognizing signs of the disorder”
- What Works in Clinical Supervision? A Review of 21 Supervision Strategies – PT/Mar 10 at 1 PM ET – “present findings from a systematic review of tested supervision protocols for implementing an evidence-based practice and the distillation of supervision protocols into a set of 21 supervision strategies”
- Depression 101 – McLean/Mar 15 at 12 PM ET – “explains the intricacies of depressive disorders, shares signs and symptoms that may point to depression”
- Borderline Personality Disorder & Its Connection to ADHD – ADDitude/Mar 15 at 1 PM ET – “focus on understanding BPD, differentiating the BPD symptoms that mimic ADHD, and understanding ADHD-specific risk factors of developing BPD. Treatment recommendations will also be reviewed.”
- Understanding Human Trafficking for Mental Health Professionals – MHTTC/Mar 2 at 1 PM ET – “participants will explore what human trafficking is, identifying signs and the different forms of human trafficking”
- ADHD Then and Now: How Our Understanding Has Evolved – ADDitude/Mar 21 at 1 PM ET – “Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD over the past 25 years”
- Reclaiming Native Psychological Brilliance: Wise Practices – MHTTC/Mar 28 at 2 PM ET – “Gain skills on strength-based approaches in partnership with Native People to enhance Native behavioral health”
- An Introduction to Moral Injury: Healing Children, Youth, Families and Ourselves – CTAC/Mar 3 at 2 PM ET, Mar 24 at 12 PM ET – “introduction to the concept of Moral Injury and its impact on youth, children, families, and service providers”
- Impact of Technology on Parent-Child Attachments – Springer/Mar 15 at 1 PM ET – “Family life has changed dramatically since the advent of social media, cell phones, tablets and video games… learn how you and your children can enjoy the benefits and lessen the risks to your family’s health and relationships.”
- Parent Power: 5 Steps to Take Charge of Your Home – NYU/Mar 21 at 1 PM ET – “Parent POWER, consisting of the following strategies: 1: Putting Structures in Place 2: Offering Incentives 3: Working Hard 4: Emotional Regulation building and 5: Role-Modeling.”
- How to Engage Parents in the Role of Outreach Ambassador – IAC/Mar 28 at 11 AM ET – “Outreach Ambassadors talk to other parents about the importance of and ways to connect to early childhood programs”
- New Kid on the Block: Adjusting to a New Sibling – NYU/Mar 28 at 1 PM ET – “discussing various strategies that caregivers can employ to support their children in navigating this transition”
- The Nurtured Heart Approach: Positive Parenting and Teaching Strategies to Transform Problem Behaviors – ADDitude/Mar 29 at 1 PM ET – “the Nurtured Heart Approach, a parent behavior training program developed from therapist Howard Glasser’s work with the most challenging and intense children”
- Why Financial Behavioral Health Matters No Matter Your Profession – CFSW/Mar 9 at 2 PM ET – “learn the timeliness and relevance of more holistically exploring the behavioral health of governments, institutions, occupations, as well as enhancing your work environment.”
- Simple Ways To Improve Sleep Hygiene – McLean/Mar 29 at 12 PM ET – “discusses the importance of sleep, provides ways to determine what you need for your own sleep hygiene”
- Recruiting Musicians in Care Spaces with Deb Chandler – Room217/Mar 8 at 3:30 PM ET
- Premarital Cohabitation: Timing, Engagement, and Marital Outcomes – Dibble/Mar 8 at 4 PM ET – ” researchers from the University of Denver will briefly highlight the association between premarital cohabitation and marital outcomes. “
- Global Resilience Summit 2023 – HMI/Mar 14 – 19 – “designed to help all of us deepen and sustain our individual and collective resilience so that we can meet the immense challenges we face with wisdom, compassion and skillful means.”
- How Will Work Affect My Social Security Disability Benefits? – SSA/Mar 22 at 3 PM ET – “highlight the association between premarital cohabitation and marital outcomes”
- How to Get Published Webinar Series – How to organize, present and share data – SAGE/Mar 29 at 11 AM ET – “practical strategies that you can apply and discuss the do’s and don’ts of including data in your manuscript, as well as best practices on how, when and where you can share your data, so others can access it.”
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How long are each sessions?
Hi Martha,
I’m not sure which webinar you are referring to, but the information would be on the specific website.
Are only some of these offering CEUs?
Hi Holly,
Yes, many offer CEs but not all. To find out which ones you would have to look at individual website links/sponsoring organization.
Good luck!