This post is part of the monthly series, Free Webinars for Social Workers and Mental Health Professionals, featuring over 55 free webcasts that we could find for you this month in the field of social work and mental health.
To make it easier for you to find a webinar that is of interest to you, they are now organized by the following categories: addiction, advocacy/anti-racism, aging/caregiving, career, child welfare, clinical practice, parenting, self-care, summits and other.
If we’ve missed any free webcasts that you are aware of, please feel free to add them in the comments section below!
Please note:
- Most but not all provide CEs. A few providers may require a nominal fee.
- To register, click on the desired green webinar title link; this will take you to the registration area.
- To ask Qs or confirm CE details, please contact the sponsoring organization of the webinar that is of interest to you.
- To have your free mental health webinar considered for inclusion, please provide details below.
April Webinars 2023
- Trauma-Informed Care for Opioid Treatment – NAADAC/Apr 19 at 3 to 4:30 PM ET – “include updated research and best practices on trauma-informed care for opioid treatment.”
- Integrating the Topics of Gambling and Problem Gambling Into Substance Use Treatment – CASAT/Apr 19 at 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM ET – “practical methods and tips on how to integrate gambling and problem gambling discussions into the SUD treatment process from assessment through discharge”
- Shame and Stigma: Re-imagining Masculinity and Strength for Black Boys – MHTTC/Apr 4 at 12 PM ET – “provide strategies for reducing the stigmatization of mental health, specifically among Black boys.”
- Cultural Competency: People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing – DN/Apr 6 at 3 to 5 PM ET – “Come and learn about the culture of people who are deaf and hard of hearing, including history, identity, values, and behaviors – all of which have been shaped by unique and shared experiences in navigating the world”
- Understanding the Functions of Cochlear Implants and Bone-Anchored Hearing Devices as Communication Tools – DN/Apr 12 at 12:30 to 2:30 PM ET – “dive into “myths” about implants and share stories, as well as go into tips and strategies on how to connect implant users who are deaf or hard of hearing to communication and technology”
- What You Need to Know About Section 504 Plans – MHTTC/Apr 12 at 1 PM ET – “Explain what a 504 Plan is and why it is important; Discuss who is eligible for a 504 Plan”
- The Intersection of Race-Based Trauma and Financial Literacy – CFSW/Apr 13 at 2 PM ET – “transformative techniques that address wealth inequality and promote social and economic justice for African American communities.”
- I’m Not Broken; Don’t Fix Me: Disability Justice and Mental Health Care – CPT/Apr 14 at 1 PM ET – “explore a disability justice-focused mental health intervention to resource practitioners with an expanded skill set around mapping resources and supports for individuals with complex mental health needs.”
- The Weight of Injustice: Exploring the Intersectionality of Fatphobia, Racism, and Mental Health – MHTTC/Apr 14 at 3 PM ET – “help attendees (a) conceptualize the historical injustices, sociocultural norms, and everyday pressures that make weight stigma an issue of social justice, (b) critically reflect on their own implicit biases around body size diversity and the professional imperative to deconstruct size-based prejudice, and (c) explore strategies to support weight inclusivity and body liberation in schools and mental health settings that can help reduce fatphobia’s oppressive consequences”
- Addressing Power in Bullying is About Gender and Income Inequality – UBSSW/Apr 18 at 11:30 AM to 12:45 PM ET – “explore through a series of studies how power is manifested within societal structures such as gender and income inequality, and is related to experiences of bullying and victimization, especially when inequality is experienced in early life”
- Racial Trauma and Black Lives: An Evening with Kenneth Hardy – UBSSW/Apr 20 at 7 PM ET – “Join us for a moment of learning and reflection to denote the ongoing existence of racial trauma in the lives of Black people”
- Supporting Gender Diverse Autistic Youth and Adults – NYU/Apr 25 at 1 PM ET – “greater sensitivity and confidence to support the unique challenges that gender diverse autistic young people face”
- Centering Voices: The Crisis of Black Maternal Health – NYU/April 25 at 6:30 PM ET – “discuss what families, service providers, and the community can do to advocate for change”
- Advocating at the Intersections of Domestic Violence, Trauma, and Substance Use Coercion – NIWRC/Apr 26 at 10 AM – 12:30 PM ET – “demonstrate Accessible, Culturally Responsive, and Trauma-Informed (ACRTI) approach to supporting survivors experiencing trauma and substance use coercion.”
- Anti-Oppression & Anti-Racism 101 Webinar – SURJ/Apr 26 at 6 – 8 PM ET – “introductory workshop, the wonderful educator Rania El Mugammar will help us understand what racism and privilege mean and what all of us – especially white people – can do. “
- Caring for Burned-Out Caregivers – McLean/Apr 6 at 11 AM ET – “shares ways to identify burnout in caregiver populations, discusses how we can prevent burnout from happening”
- Chronic Mental Illness and the Risk for Dementia – Alzoc/Apr 11 at 2:30 PM ET – “Discuss why people with chronic mental illness have an increased risk of developing dementia”
- Frontotemporal Degeneration: Understanding the Disease – ASAging/Apr 12 at 1 PM ET – “present signs and symptoms of FTD, emphasize the importance of early diagnosis and person-centered care, and highlight research opportunities as well as support resources for those living with FTD and their care partners.”
- 2023 Spring Senior Series – NASW/Apr 24, 25 at 10 – 11:30 AM ET
- How does Trauma Affect us as Caregivers to the Community? Our Fight, Flight, Freeze, Appease or Disassociate Responses – NAMI/Apr 25 at 12 PM ET – “Trauma affects all of us. However, as caregivers it not only affects us personally it affects how we help others. How does our own compassion fatigue guide our assistance to someone?”
- Receiving Feedback? Stay Calm, Be Curious, Ask Questions, Make a Plan – TMN/Apr 4 at 12 PM ET – “help understand and reframe the role of receiving effective feedback.”
- Social Workers as First Responders in Mental Health – UASW/Apr 12 at 1 PM ET
- Balancing Remote Work & Cancer – C+C/Apr 19 at 1 PM ET – “How to approach your employer to request the opportunity to work remotely “
- How Will Work Affect My Medicaid or Medicare? – SSA/Apr 26 at 3 – 4:30 PM ET
Child Welfare
- Unpacking Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health – OneOp/Apr 5 at 11 AM to 12:30 PM ET – “discussion includes how to recognize symptoms of unhealthy IECMH, and practical approaches that professionals can use to improve it. “
- Changes in Infant Emotion Regulation Following Maternal Treatment for Postpartum Depression – BBRF/Apr 11 at 2 PM ET – “discuss the results of a BBRF-funded study that examined the impact of cognitive behavioral therapy for postpartum depression on observed and neurophysiological markers of infant emotion regulation and the transmission of regulatory support from mothers to infants.”
- Child Sex Trafficking: From Suspicion to Disclosure – OJJDP/Apr 12 at 9 AM to 4 PM ET – “Understand the importance of an interviewer mindset and style, and how different question strategies impact the accuracy of information gathered”
- The Social Brain on Screens – Children & Screens/Apr 12 at 12 PM ET – “What is the “social brain”? (Hint: it’s the network of brain regions behind complex social interactions, recognizing others, and their mental states.)”
- Building Confidence in Kids & Teens – McLean/Apr 12 at 12 PM ET – “shares tips and tricks about teaching confidence and self-reliance, offers insight into when we should be letting our loved ones lead”
- The Power of the Success Sequence for Young Adults – Dibble/Apr 12 at 4 PM ET – “the “Success Sequence.” The sequence entails three steps: (1) getting at least a high-school degree, (2) working full-time, and (3) marrying before having children. Young adults who manage to follow the sequence – even in the face of challenges – are much more likely to forge a path to a better economic life.”
- 5 Life Skills Every ADHD Young Adult Needs to Cultivate – ADDitude/Apr 13 at 1 PM ET – “How to build the skills that teens and young adults with ADHD need to embark on a journey to college or trade school, or to enter the workforce”
- Understanding DASA: Dignity for All Students Act – TAC/Apr 14 at 11:30 AM ET – “discuss the DASA regulations related to schools and the State. We will also focus on the rights of children and caregivers under the Dignity Act and discuss how parents and advocates can work with schools to ensure that our children feel safe and supported at school.”
- School Struggle and Failure: When to Seek Medical and Mental Health Assessments – NYU/Apr 18 at 1 PM ET – “describe common conditions associated with school struggles and help parents, teachers, counselors, and other members of the audience identify ‘red flags’ that may warrant further assessment and treatment.”
- Addictive Technology and Its Impact on Teen Brains – ADDitude/Apr 19 at 1 PM ET – “How video games, social media, and technology in general are designed to be addictive, and how this can be particularly problematic for teens with ADHD”
- Early Years and the Transition to School – Anna Freud/Apr 20 at 11 AM ET – “Sharing the experience of the child and their parents or carers will be at the centre of our discussions. As will the need for an inclusive approach to transition and the importance of play”
- Natural Playscape Makeover! Practical Design Tips for Supporting Child-Directed Play In Natural Spaces on Any Budget – ECI/Apr 20 at 2 PM ET – “will be super interactive because you are invited to share photos of your outdoor space that may be shared during the session for makeover advice”
- Weighing the evidence, Peer Parental Advocacy in Child Protection Work – RA/Apr 25 at 8 AM ET – “exploring the exciting and innovative new research on peer parental advocacy and its potential to transform family help and partnership working.”
- Coaching Early Educators for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging – ECI/Apr 26 at 2 PM ET – “Learn to identify areas in which your program needs to improve to achieve equity and inclusion.”
- Understanding ACEs on the Journey to Adulthood: A Panel Discussion with Youth Peer Advocates (YPA) – TAC/Apr 27 at 11:30 AM ET – “can help inform how our systems can be more trauma-informed in their approach to working with young people impacted by ACEs.”
Clinical Practice
- Emotional Eating – An Introduction – MHTTC/Apr 6 at 2 PM ET – “offer participants the knowledge and practical strategies needed to understand and conquer emotional eating and make peace with food”
- Focusing Through a Lens of Hope After Decades of Depression and Attempting Suicide – NAMI/Apr 10 at 12 PM ET – “Shannon Heath Parkin M.S., will share how she recovered from decades of depression and a disabling suicide attempt in 2015…includ[ing] how her recreational therapist encouraged her to return to activities she had enjoyed when she was younger as she gained confidence”
- What We Do With What We Know: Translating Health Disparities Solutions to Action – JHU/Apr 12 at 9 AM to 4 PM ET
- Understanding ACEs Across Generations – TAC/Apr 19 at 12:30 PM ET – “share the process of creating her ACEs Genealogy and provide insights to participants about the value of this process personally and professionally”
- The Power of Dialectical Behavior Therapy – McLean/Apr 20 at 11 AM ET – “provides an overview of dialectical behavior therapy and its application, offers tips for finding and working with a DBT provider”
- Virtual Reality in Mental Health Treatment – APA/Apr 21 at 1 PM ET – “Use VR to treat a broad range of conditions and therapies, supporting both in-person and remote care”
- Addicted to Drama – Embody Lab/Apr 23 at 12 – 1:30 PM ET – “discuss the science and psychology of an addiction to drama and offer an accessible path to healing – for both those who are addicted to drama and those in proximity to someone who is”
- Supporting Neurodiversity: Sensory Integration Meets Emotional Regulation – TAC/Apr 24 at 1:30 PM ET – “learn about working with children and families through a neurodiversity-affirming clinical practice approach that promotes an understanding of neurodiversity, ableism, and inclusion”
- The Truth About Food Addiction – MHTTC/Apr 25 at 11 AM ET – “participants will learn a 3-component approach for supporting clients who struggle with compulsive eating, including behavioral, cognitive, and emotional aspects.”
- A Conversation about Intergenerational Trauma – TAC/Apr 26 at 1 PM ET
- How ACEs Awareness Can Break Cycles of Intergenerational Trauma: A Panel for Discussion with Parents/Caregivers – TAC/Apr 18 at 11:30 AM ET – “insights into how our systems can be more trauma-informed in their approach to working with parents and caregivers.”
Self Care
- Moving from Collective Trauma and Compassion Fatigue Towards Resilience – MHTTC/Apr 10 at 9 AM ET – “focuses on moving mental health providers, teachers, first responders, and their supervisors from overwhelming burnout, anxiety, and fears towards resilience.”
- Apply ACT Principles to Your Daily Life – McLean/Apr 25 at 12 PM ET – “facilitates an open conversation about ACT, discusses its effectiveness beyond OCD treatments”
- Gain a Deeper Understanding of Narcissism – Jung/Mar 30 – Apr 2
- Mental Health & Well Being – Apr 11 – 17
- Autism Symposium – Apr 20 – 21 – “provides essential updates to autism intervention and offers safe, effective, and transformational strengths-based interventions and approaches to support your clients regardless of age or developmental stage”
- Targeted Interventions Focused on the Whole Health and Wellbeing of the Military Child -DHA/Apr 27 7:45 AM – 5:35 PM ET – “explore the evidence-based practices in the care of the pediatric patient through educational content created by military and civilian Subject Matter Experts specializing in bioethics, research, healthcare, and academia”
- Targeted Interventions Focused on the Whole Health and Wellbeing of the Military Child – MHS/Apr 27 – “explore the evidence-based practices in the care of the pediatric patient through educational content created by military and civilian Subject Matter Experts specializing in bioethics, research, healthcare, and academia”
- Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP) Training – PESI/Apr 27 & 28 – “walk away with the strategies you need to adapt to any treatment situation…even for your most challenging trauma cases or when other approaches fall short. Whether you are an EMDR, IFS, Sensorimotor, or DBT therapist, these concepts and techniques will be of value to you.”
- How to Leverage Sports Psychology to Benefit ADHD Brains – ADDitude/Apr 5 at 1 PM ET – “Performance Conditioning: Three routines that create the foundation for sustaining focus, managing moods, and completing tasks”
- Strategies and Tactics to Navigate Difficult Conversations with Confidence – HRDQU/Apr 5 at 2 PM ET – “Whether you avoid difficult conversations to keep the peace, freeze up when trying to negotiate with others, or feel bad when responsible giving bad news, this webinar will give you the skills to confidently communicate and assert yourself”
- Social Prescription Conversations in Canada with Kate Mulligan – Room217/Apr 12 at 3:30 PM ET
- Rebranding Paid Family Leave: Compelling Lawmakers to Pass Crucial Legislation – MMHN/Apr 13 at 3 PM ET – “hare recent efforts to pass federal paid leave legislation, and identify considerations for how to collectively change the minds of law and policy-makers utilizing data and first hand accounts of the relationship between paid family leave policies and perinatal mental health disorders”
- Student Loan Borrowers: Loan Forgiveness Workshop – SAVI/Apr 25 at 4 PM ET – “Understand your best repayment options before payments resume”
- How to Get Published Webinar Series – Authorship, etiquette and collaboration – SAGE/Apr 26 at 11 AM ET – “discuss the etiquette of collaborative writing and provide you with practical tools to ensure a smooth writing process.”
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Hi Ella,
Once you register to create an account of your own, you should be able to have access to the event password. If that doesn’t work, I’d search for a contact/help button on their website.
Take care,