This post is part of the monthly series, Free Webinars for Social Workers and Mental Health Professionals, featuring over 45 free webcasts that we could find for you this month in the field of social work and mental health.
To make it easier for you to find a webinar that is of interest to you, they are now organized by the following categories: addiction, advocacy/anti-racism, aging/caregiving, career, child welfare/parenting, clinical practice, self-care and other.
If we’ve missed any free webcasts that you are aware of, please feel free to add them in the comments section below!
Please note:
- Most but not all provide CEs. A few providers may require a nominal fee.
- To register, click on the desired green webinar title link; this will take you to the registration area.
- To ask Qs or confirm CE details, please contact the sponsoring organization of the webinar that is of interest to you.
- To have your free mental health webinar considered for inclusion, please provide details below.
December Webinars 2023
- The Dangerous Health Effects of Alcohol: What Your Patients and Clients Need to Know – ATTC/Dec 8 at 1 PM ET – ” address the synergistic effect of alcohol and secondary risk factors such as diet and viral hepatitis on the development and progression of alcohol associated liver and pancreatic diseases (ALPD)”
- Xylazine: What Providers Need to Know about this Emerging Issue – ATTC/Dec 8 at 2 PM ET – “Distinguish two (2) major types of harm caused by xylazine use, in both short- and long-term contexts.”
- Opioid Therapy in the Seriously Ill: Balancing Benefit and Harms – MJHS/Dec 14 at 12:30 – 1:30 PM ET – “provide clinically relevant information about the best evidence informing guidelines that optimize the likelihood of safe and effective opioid prescription in seriously ill populations.”
- Supporting Loved Ones Struggling With Addiction – McLean/Dec 19 at 12 PM ET – “shares ways to remain compassionate in difficult times, explains the external factors that can help or hinder the recovery process, and provides advice on facing the ups-and-downs of addiction that all members of the family can benefit from.”
- Thriving through Adversity: A Conversation about Trans Issues – BHN/Dec 2 at 4 – 6 PM ET
- Violence on Indigenous Lands is Violence on Indigenous Bodies and Futures – NIWRC/Dec 6 at 3 PM ET – “describe the experiences and impacts their community and neighboring communities have endured and are still experiencing due to land violence. Our presenter will also share how Indigenous culture, teachings, and activism are a guide for a pathway to healing, health, birth sovereignty, and justice.”
- Cultural Competency: People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing – THHS/Dec 7 at 12 – 2 PM ET – “learn about the culture of people who are deaf and hard of hearing, including history, identity, values, and behaviors – all of which have been shaped by unique and shared experiences in navigating the sound-based world.”
- Managing Emotions During The Holidays in the Black Community – MHTTC/Dec 12 at 12 PM ET – “help the audience to understand how stress and anxiety can affect us in our everyday lives. In addition, the presenter will explain ways of dealing with this stress, especially during the holidays”
- Using Cultural Humility to Promote Person-Centered Care – ATTC/Dec 14 at 10 AM – 12 PM ET – “Effective engagement strategies grounded in eliciting information, positive regard and empathetic understanding will be discussed. Further, the content will inform and highlight Cultural Humility key components as a means to person-centered care to enhance the opportunities that build trust and rapport. When people who seek services are heard and included in their treatment care, they are more likely to commit to their own recovery and wellness process”
- LGBT(QIA+) Overview & Practice Skills (with a focus on T) – ATTC/Dec 14 at 2 – 4 PM ET – “Participants will increase awareness about sexual orientation, gender identity, and how personal biases impede care and ultimately identify how to develop an environment that is LGBT user effective.”
- Cultural Humility & Motivational Interviewing – Combined to Engage & Retain LGBTQIA People in Care – ATTC/Dec 20 at 1 – 3 PM ET – “combines the perspectives and practices of both Cultural Humility and Motivational Interviewing, inviting participants to consider how these approaches, used in tandem, can enhance engagement and retention of LGBTQIA people.”
- How To Support Someone With Depression – McLean/Dec 6 at 12 PM ET – “explains ways to identify the mood disorder in ourselves and others, shares tips to support people we care for who are experiencing depression”
- Understanding the Legal Needs of Aging – ASAging/Dec 6 at 1 PM ET – “learn more about the legal needs of aging and the importance of proactive planning”
- Depression and Dementia – ASAging/Dec 12 at 1 PM ET – “provides strategies and resources to help health professionals address depression and build cognitive resilience”
- Team Approaches to High-Quality, Patient-Centered Palliative Care – ASAging/Dec 13 at 1 PM ET – “overs multidisciplinary, patient-centered team approaches to meet the comprehensive needs of seriously ill patients, reduce the burden of symptoms, and improve quality of life.”
- Balancing Work & Cancer Webinar: Marketing Yourself: Job Search and Beyond – Cancer + Career/Dec 6 at 1 PM ET – “Knowing how to sell yourself is a key skill when applying for jobs, writing a cover letter, and in an interview. You know why you are perfect for the job, but how do you get the potential employer to see it as well? “
- Overcoming Burnout in the ECE Workplace – ECI/Dec 6 at 2 – 3:30 PM ET – “focus on some of early education’s biggest struggles: compassion fatigue, mental health, optimism, attitude, and being present. Join Ellen for an uplifting, inspirational, deep dive into morale and build strategies as a team for combatting burnout.”
- How Will Work Affect My Social Security Disability Benefits? – SSA/Dec 20 at 3 – 4:30 PM ET
- Professional Boundaries – ATTC/Dec 21 at 10 AM – 12 PM ET – “discuss professionalism and ethics, dual relationships, and how to build a safe working environment. “
Child Welfare/Parenting
- Improving the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Adolescents: Driving Factors and Root Causes – NA/Dec 5 at 11 AM – 12:30 PM ET – “focus on the driving factors that contribute to the children and youth mental health crisis, including disparities and inequities in the mental health system.”
- Supporting Military Teens: Community Healthy Living and Food Security Programs – OneOp/Dec 7 at 11 AM – 12:30 PM ET – “learn more about programs and initiatives bridging the gap between resources and teens and families needing those resources.”
- Social Media, Sexting and Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence: Education and Resources for Youth and Caregivers – CTAC/Dec 12 at 1 PM ET – “introduce service providers to technology-facilitated sexual violence (TFSV), which encompasses online sexual and gender-based harassment, cyberstalking, virtual rape, and image-based sexual abuse (IBSA) in the forms of nonconsensual image distribution, sextortion, and digital forgeries (aka deepfakes)”
- Strengths-Based Holistic Approaches to Youth Mental Health – NCSMH/Dec 12 at 3 PM ET – “focus on advancing high quality, sustainable school mental health from a multi-tiered system of support, trauma sensitive, and culturally responsive and equitable lens”
- Telehealth, ADHD, and Executive Function: Helping Children and Teens to Thrive through Video Sessions – CTAC/Dec 14 at 12 PM ET – “highlight several different tools that can be used to work on improving attention, increasing the ability to sit in one place, and addressing other executive functioning challenges to help children and teens with ADHD to thrive.”
Clinical Practice
- Connections and Conversation: Culture and the Texture of Experience: multiple systems perspective from an interpersonal psychoanalytic lens – ICP/Dec 3 at 5 – 6:30 PM ET – “the cultural interpersonal lens, a careful theorizing of the human organism evolving in multiple social systems and the forces that contribute to pathology and problems of living.”
- Identifying and Treating Tardive Dyskinesia – NA/Dec 4 at 1 PM ET – ” reviews the clinical manifestations of TD, consequences for patients, and potential management and treatment options”
- Building Protective Factors Using the Social Development Strategy – PTTC/Dec 5 at 11 AM ET – “To prevent substance misuse among our youth, we must enhance protective factors and reduce risk factors. Join this webinar to learn how to build protective factors in the youth in a straight-forward, easy to implement way using the Social Development Strategy.”
- Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome: A Distinct Kind of Inattention – ADDitude/Dec 5 at 1 PM ET – “Some children and adolescents experience a unique type of attention problem with symptoms including excessive daydreaming, staring or zoning out, being lost in one’s thoughts, sleepiness, and peer relationship challenges. These behaviors, once called sluggish cognitive tempo, are now known as cognitive disengagement syndrome (CDS).”
- Back to Basics: What Will it Take to Prevent Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence? – PreventConnect/Dec 5 at 2 PM ET – “provide a foundation for understanding the importance of primary prevention, examples of prevention in the real world, and key resources to expand prevention knowledge”
- Health Inequities: Discussing the Influence of Social and Political Factors on Health Disparities – Aetna/Dec 6 at 12 – 1:30 PM ET – “Political determinants of health create social structures and social drivers. These drivers form the basis for social determinants of health (SDOH), or social factors and conditions that influence how individuals live, and impacts health outcomes. Health care providers should understand how these political and social underpinnings create conditions that may promote or deter health for their patients. This presentation will challenge participants to consider how they as providers can use knowledge of political and social determinants of health in service to their patient populations.”
- The Art of Pushing and Pulling Through the Stages of Change – NAADAC/Dec 6 at 3 – 4:30 PM ET – “This introductory session will help counselors learn how to assess a client’s stage of change, how to implement practical strategies for measurable progress, and how to avoid pitfalls as counselors when facing resistance at any stage.”
- Community Safety as a Social Determinant of Health: A Workshop – NA/Dec 6 & 7 – “bring together researchers, practitioners, leaders, and others with expertise in violence prevention and promoting community safety to (1) define community safety, (2) examine the landscape of threats to safety affecting specific populations, (3) explore attributes of physical spaces and social structures that create and reinforce safer communities, and (4) discuss frameworks for reimagining public safety, and related policy and programmatic interventions.”
- Facilitating Family Peer Support Groups: What You Need to Know – CTAC/Dec 7 at 1 PM ET – “cover the skills needed to facilitate a group, tips and tools for starting and running a support group; all of which often encourages a sense of community, empathy, and helpful discussions.”
- De-escalation, Basic Tools for Social Workers – ATTC/Dec 8 at 1 – 4 PM ET – “Difficult moments don’t have to grow into “incidents” that can threaten client engagement and retention. This workshop is designed to equip participants with basic concepts and preparatory actions that can be used to de-escalate a wide range of interactions. “
- A Woman’s Guide to Preventing ADHD Burnout – ADDitude/Dec 13 at 1 PM ET – “The factors that contribute to excessive burnout in neurodivergent females”
- The Science of Shame and Why It Matters: Awareness for Supervisors and Practitioners – NAADAC/Dec 13 at 3 – 4:30 PM ET – “discuss what shame is, the neurobiology of shame, and what we can do about it.”
- Managing Grief and Loss – McLean/Dec 14 at 11 AM ET – “provides a guide to understanding and addressing grief and loss, offers providers tips for how best to support a patient who is grieving, and answers audience questions about healthy coping strategies during bereavement”
- Hormonal Fluctuations and ADHD: How Estrogen May Impact Symptoms Throughout Life – ADDitude/Dec 19 at 1 PM ET – “As of now, no clear links have been established between ADHD and mental changes during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause. However, estrogen plays a pivotal role in regulation of many neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, which are also central to ADHD symptom expression. “
- The Holiday Blues: Put Your Mental Health First This Holiday Season – ADDitude/Dec 12 at 1 PM ET – “will talk about the holiday blues, and what to do if you or someone you love struggles with them.”
- Shielding Your Well-Being: Post-Traumatic Growth – OJJDP/Dec 12 at 2 – 3 PM ET – “discuss post-traumatic growth and transformational meaning and identify tools and techniques to mitigate the adverse effects on individuals in the workplace and personal lives.”
- “Wiped Out and Still Going,” Preventing Compassion Fatigue – ATTC/Dec 18 at 10 AM – 1 PM ET – “interactive webinar will help to identify often elusive work-related conditions that promote empathy strain, self-assessment tools and practical prevention strategies for self-care and means to resiliency and wellness for us, the people helping people.”
- Self-care & Wellness for ALL – ATTC/Dec 18 at 2 – 4 PM ET – “provides an opportunity for providers to review wellness practices and experience the benefits of intentional, micro-structured, self-care interventions.”
- Relationship Wisdom Summit – Dec 5 – 10 – “from Heart Mind Summits, starting December 5th, and designed to positively transform the quality of your relationships during this holiday season and for the coming new year.”
- How to Do Research and Get Published – How to Create a Research Agenda and Develop Your Personal Academic Brand – SAGE/Dec 6 at 11 AM ET
- Passionate Mothers, Powerful Sons: The Lives of Jennie Jerome Churchill and Sara Delano Roosevelt – Hunter College/Dec 11 at 6 PM ET
- Financial Trauma: Coping and Healing – CFSW/Dec 14 at 2 PM ET – “Addressing the physical, mental, emotional, social, and money problems financial trauma incurs; Learn the acute intersections of trauma, financial well-being, and personal success”
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Thank you so much for all of the work you put into making these lists. I appreciate them greatly and I share them with the social work department at my school. Thank you!
Hi Juliana,
Thank you so much for that! It means so much to us to hear that.