This post is part of the monthly series, Free Webinars for Social Workers and Mental Health Professionals, featuring over 40 free webcasts that we could find for you this month in the field of social work and mental health.
To make it easier for you to find a webinar that is of interest to you, they are now organized by the following categories: addiction, ADHD, advocacy/anti-racism, aging/caregiving, career, child welfare, clinical practice, and self-care.
If we’ve missed any free webcasts that you are aware of, please feel free to add them in the comments section below!
Please note:
- Most but not all provide CEs. A few providers may require a nominal fee.
- To register, click on the desired green webinar title link; this will take you to the registration area.
- To ask Qs or confirm CE details, please contact the sponsoring organization of the webinar that is of interest to you.
- To have your free mental health webinar considered for inclusion, please provide details below.
August Webinars 2024
- Interdisciplinary Care in Opioid Treatment: A Public Health and Interdisciplinary Approach to Substance Use Disorders – NAADAC/Aug 6 at 3 PM ET – “explore the OASAS continuum of care and its collaboration with a network of providers and state agency partners to best serve New York residents.”
- The Addiction and Harm Reduction Potential of Kratom in Substance Use Disorders – ATTC/Aug 13 at 2 – 3:30 PM ET – “scientific literature has reported on potential benefits of kratom as a harm reduction tool for opioid and stimulant use disorders but also reports on the limitations of its benefits by causing dependence, sometimes described as kratom use disorder”
- Interdisciplinary Care in Opioid Treatment: The Role of Physicians and Nurses in Opioid Care — Bridging the Gap – NAADAC/Aug 13 at 3 PM ET – “second webinar of this series, we will focus on the pivotal roles of physicians and nurses in the realm of opioid care”
- What Is Harm Reduction for Alcohol? – NAADAC/Aug 14 at 3 PM ET – “give the details of how to make an alcohol harm reduction plan and will discuss various tools in the alcohol harm reduction toolbox”
- Interdisciplinary Care in Opioid Treatment: The Role of Addiction Psychiatrists in Opioid Treatment — Mastering the Art of Opioid Treatment – NAADAC/Aug 20 at 3 PM ET – “third part of this series will spotlight addiction psychiatrists, another pivotal role in the treatment of opioid use disorder. Explore their specialized skills, including psychological therapies, medication management, and medication-assisted treatment that are crucial in addressing the complexities of opioid use disorder.”
- Passionate Professionals; Dispassionate Practice – NAADAC/Aug 22 at 12 – 1:30 PM ET – “delineate and describe the elements of non-clinical practice; evaluate personal attitudes and values towards dispassionate service; and develop personal strategies for balancing passionate motivation with dispassionate service.”
- Interdisciplinary Care in Opioid Treatment: The Role of Counselors in Opioid Treatment – NAADAC/Aug 27 at 3 PM ET – “fourth part of this series, we will delve into the indispensable role of counselors within the interdisciplinary care framework for opioid use disorder”
- Re-defining Resilience: Navigating Relapse Prevention – NAADAC/Aug 28 at 3 PM ET – “learn about the collaboration process between the client and practitioner when creating effective relapse prevention plans with individuals specific to their triggers, challenges, and strengths”
- ADHD in Preschool: Early Diagnosis & Intervention for Young Children – ADDitude/Aug 8 at 1 PM ET – “provide an overview of the behavioral onset patterns of ADHD as well as the early signs, symptoms, and treatment for preschool children with suspected ADHD.”
- Back-to-School Toolkit: Proven Systems for Solving Disorganization, Procrastination, and Missed Deadlines – ADDitude/Aug 14 at 1 PM ET – “expert advice and practical strategies to support your child’s success and transform school-related stress into triumphs this school year”
- ADHD Across the Lifespan: How Symptoms Evolve and Fluctuate – ADDitude/Aug 20 at 1 PM ET – “About the latest science behind our modern conceptualization of ADHD across the lifespan”
- Humanity Over Headlines: Live from the Border – CPT/Aug 5 at 1 PM ET – “designed to give people a front-line perspective of the humanitarian crisis for asylum seekers in Tijuana, Mexico”
- Practical Steps to Address Bias, Privilege and Discrimination as a Behavioral Health Professional – MHTTC/Aug 9 at 5:30 – 7 PM ET – “discuss the impact of personal bias, how it impacts the people we serve, and what culturally thoughtful and affirming work can look like as a behavioral health professional.”
- Responding to Bias and Discrimination in Schools – MHTTC/Aug 14 at 12 – 1:30 PM ET – “better understand our current context of bias and discrimination in schools, learn about individual sentence stems and systemic interventions to address biased language and behavior, and dedicate some time to actually practicing and integrating your learning into your plans for the next school year”
- Maternal Mental Health and Grief in the Black Community – MHTTC/Aug 15 at 12 PM ET – “Social injustices and systemic discrimination as well as racial inequalities in healthcare exacerbate the negative impacts of grief on the mental and physical health of Black mothers”
- Integrating Culture in Care: Behavioral Health Approaches for Hispanic and Latine Populations – MHTTC/Aug 19 at 12 PM ET – “addresses culturally informed therapeutic strategies that can facilitate effective engagement and therapeutic relationships with Hispanic and Latine patients.”
- South Asian America: Considerations for Mental Health Practitioners – MHTTC/Aug 26 at 4:30 – 6 PM ET – “an overview of cultural considerations for mental health practitioners working with South Asian clients”
- Reclaiming Native Psychological Brilliance: Wise Practices – MHTTC/Aug 27 at 2 PM ET – “Gain skills on strength-based approaches in partnership with Native People to enhance Native behavioral health”
- Identifying & Addressing Inequities in End-of-Life Care – ASAging/Aug 6 at 1 PM ET – “identify healthcare inequities (terminology, concepts, and data), share stories of patients living through these experiences, and discuss strategies to address these inequities on an individual and systemic scale.”
- Addressing Challenging Family Dynamics in Caregiving – ASAging/Aug 7 at 1 PM ET – “explore effective strategies for navigating familial complexities.”
- Social Isolation, Loneliness and Dementia – ASAging/Aug 8 at 1 PM ET – “cover validated tools to assess social activity and loneliness and provide intervention strategies to address social isolation and loneliness and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.”
- Parkinson’s Disease and Communication Challenges: Navigating Swallowing and Speech Disorders – AlzOC/Aug 13 at 2:30 PM ET – “learn about cognitive strategies that can improve speech and swallowing, focusing on intentional control, motor learning, and the integration of cognitive and physical rehabilitation techniques.”
- Navigating Trauma: Aging and Resilience – ASAging/Aug 20 at 1 PM ET – “discusses the cumulative impact of multiple traumas, examining how they intersect with major life transitions, health conditions, bereavement and the social isolation commonly experienced in later years.”
- Technology to Age in Motion – ASAging/Aug 21 at 1 PM ET – “how technology can play a pivotal role in facilitating safety, social connectivity and independence at home and on the go. This session covers different types of technology, along with their benefits, limitations and adaptability”
- The Unseen Struggles of Young-Onset Dementia – AlzOC/Aug 28 at 2 PM ET – “discussion on the unique challenges and diagnostic considerations specific to young-onset dementia, addressing its impact on individuals, families, and society, while exploring tailored approaches to care and support”
- Balancing Work & Cancer Webinar: Communicating Effectively Part 1 – Cancer + Career/Aug 7 at 6 PM ET – “Communicating with coworkers, supervisors, and others in the workplace following a cancer diagnosis can be nuanced and can require some strategy”
- Credit Scoring Changes Circa 2024 – FSW/Aug 8 at 2 PM ET – “The evolution of credit scores to provide more accurate and fair assessments of creditworthiness”
- Working From Home with Ticket to Work – SSA/Aug 28 at 3 PM ET
- Strengthening Health, Wellness, and Financial Security Through Total Force Fitness – OneOp/Aug 29 at 11 AM ET – “discusses the financial fitness dimension and how economic insecurity can affect the other wellness dimensions including nutritional fitness”
Child Welfare
- Using Everyday Conversations to Nurturing Play and Creativity in Young Children – ECI/Aug 7 at 2 PM ET – “Identify the key reasons that play and creativity are so powerful in young children’s development and why everyday conversation plays a critical role”
- Medicaid’s Role in Military Family Well-Being & Economic Security – OneOp/Aug 14 at 11 AM ET – “learn about Medicaid’s role in providing health insurance coverage for eligible individuals and families.”
- Managing Challenging Behaviors – TI/Aug 15 at 10:45 AM – 12:30 PM ET – “describes ways to promote and reinforce calm and pro-social behaviors while setting effective and practical limits when necessary.”
- Promoting Positive Mental Health in K-12 Students – McLean/Aug 20 at 12 PM – “offers an overview of proven strategies for supporting the mental well-being of students in kindergarten through high school, discusses mental health training options for school professionals”
Clinical Practice
- The Value of Training and Education in Clinical Psychopharmacology for Mental Health Professionals – ATTC/Aug 1 at 1 – 2:30 PM ET – “Understand the intersectionality between American Psychological Association (APA) Designation criteria, Academic degree requirements, and State laws with prescriptive authority”
- Unpacking the CLAS Standards – ATTC/Aug 7 at 11 AM – 12:30 PM ET – “Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) consists of a basic introduction of the 15 standards that provide a framework for organizations, teams, or departments to extend and support cultural responsivity within an operating system”
- Understanding the Link Between Physical and Mental Health – McLean/Aug 8 at 12 PM ET – “breaks down the connection between our physical and mental health, shares strategies to support our own and our loved ones’ health journeys”
- De-escalation, Basic Tools for Social Workers – ATTC/Aug 12 at 9 AM – 12 PM ET – “designed to equip participants with basic concepts and preparatory actions that can be used to de-escalate a wide range of interactions.”
- Supporting Mental Health and Neurodivergent Clients in the Workplace – MHTTC/Aug 13 at 10 AM – 2 PM ET – “Attendees will learn about ADA accommodations and how to guide and support clients in attempting to achieve reasonable accommodations in the workplace.”
- Natural Approaches to Improve Depression – MHTTC/Aug 13 at 3 – 4:30 PM ET – “strategies for including natural interventions in behavioral health services to support improved mood”
- De-Escalation & Personal Safety Through a Trauma-Informed Lens – MHTTC/Aug 21 at 12:30 – 2 PM ET – “learn the “Spectrum of Escalation” and elements of personal preparedness, while focusing on prevention and early intervention and post-intervention practices”
- Practitioner Strategies to Strengthen Executive Functioning – MHTTC/Aug 28 at 1 – 2:30 PM ET – “gain insights and guidance on supporting students with MHCs [mental health conditions] in enhancing their executive functions, ultimately promoting their academic persistence and overall well-being.”
Self Care
- Impact of Compassion Fatigue in the Helping Profession – ATTC/Aug 6 at 1 – 4 PM ET – “training is to assist all those who work with vulnerable populations who have experienced trauma”
- Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART) – MHTTC/Aug 13 at 1 – 5 PM ET – “offers an innovative, modern, uplifting, and highly scalable approach to enhance individual resilience.”
- Bringing Self Care Into Your Practice Through Somatic Awareness (Part 1) – CTAC/Aug 20 at 12 PM ET – “*By registering for the first session, you will automatically be registered for the second…help providers understand the relationship between somatic regulation, their professional practice and general well being”
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