This post is part of the monthly series, Free Webinars for Social Workers and Mental Health Professionals, featuring over 40 free webcasts that we could find for you this month in the field of social work and mental health.
To make it easier for you to find a webinar that is of interest to you, they are now organized by the following categories: addiction, ADHD, advocacy, aging, career, child welfare, clinical practice, and other.
If we’ve missed any free webcasts that you are aware of, please feel free to add them in the comments section below!
Please note:
- Most but not all provide CEs. A few providers may require a nominal fee.
- To register, click on the desired green webinar title link; this will take you to the registration area.
- To ask Qs or confirm CE details, please contact the sponsoring organization of the webinar that is of interest to you.
- To have your free mental health webinar considered for inclusion, please provide details below.
February Webinars 2025
- Cannabis Use During Pregnancy: Research from Policy to Practice – ATTC/Feb 12 at 2 PM ET – “describe what is known about prenatal cannabis use trends and health consequences using data from Kaiser Permanente Northern California’s large integrated healthcare delivery system”
- Resolving PTSD Without People Having to Relive Pain – NAADAC/Feb 12 at 3 – 4:30 PM ET – “Buckle in as emerging trends, solutions, and paradigm shifting ways of thinking about PTSD get presented!”
- Deep Dive into Our Prevention Code of Ethics: Ethically Advocating for Prevention – PTTC/Feb 13 at 11 AM ET – “focus on taking a deep dive into the substance misuse prevention code of ethics regarding how we can advocate for prevention while staying true to our prevention ethics”
- Uncovering What Does NOT Work in Substance Misuse Prevention – PTTC/Feb 20 at 1:30 PM ET – “explore the common yet misguided approaches still in use, shedding light on why they don’t work and the unintended consequences they can create”
- Conducting Cultural Assessments: Engaging and Providing Treatment for Justice-Involved Individuals – NAADAC/Feb 26 at 3 – 4:30 PM ET – “examine the relationship between trauma, substance use disorders, and communities such as Justice-Involved, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+.”
- Gap Year Pros and Cons for Neurodivergent Students – ADDitude/Feb 4 at 1 PM ET – “provide a basis for caregivers, school counselors, and young people themselves to decide if taking a year off after high school or after a year or two of college is right for their family.”
- Understanding ADHD in Kids and Teens – McLean/Feb 12 at 12 PM ET – “explains how we can help support the kids and teens we look after who have ADHD, addresses the stigma associated with ADHD diagnoses”
- Parenting Resistant Tweens and Teens with ADHD: Getting Buy-In from Your Adolescent – ADDitude/Feb 12 at 1 PM ET – “shows you how to talk with kids about what’s really going on, how to create opportunities for collaborative solutions, and how to reduce conflict at home and at school.”
- ADHD and Caffeine: Risks & Benefits of Using This Natural Stimulant – ADDitude/Feb 19 at 1 PM ET – “the neurobiology of the ADHD brain and why caffeine may be considered by some scientists as a supplemental therapy”
- The Surprising Association Between ADHD & Inflammatory Disorders – ADDitude/Feb 27 at 1 PM ET – “Research suggests a surprisingly strong link between ADHD and hypermobility syndrome, a condition in which connective tissue laxity results in a range of physical and mental health problems”
- Abolition Action Hour – SURJ/Feb 20 at 3 PM ET – “In our one-hour gatherings we make calls, sign petitions, send emails, and take online action to close jails, defund police, invest in communities, protect Indigenous rights to land and water, and more”
- The Role of the Charitable Food System in Addressing Nutrition and Food Security – OneOp/Feb 26 at 11 AM – 12:30 PM ET – “learn about innovative organizational practices that are aimed at meeting the diverse health and social needs of those relying on food pantries”
- Working Families Party Mass Calls – SURJ/Feb 27 at 8 PM ET – “Join with members of progressive organizations as we move to “Make Meaning of the Moment,” lay out concrete actions people can take this week, and share thoughts on the path forward.”
- Finding the Right Fit: Options for Care at Home – ASAging/Feb 5 at 1 PM ET – “discover the options available to older adults needing help at home, including resources for planning to age in place with help”
- Frontotemporal Degeneration: Misdiagnosed and Misunderstood – AlzOC/Feb 11 at 2:30 PM ET – “gain insight into the different subtypes of FTD, early signs and symptoms, challenges in obtaining an accurate diagnosis, and effective strategies for care and support”
- Ethics and Cultural Competency – ASAging/Feb 12 at 1 PM ET – “an engaging discussion to help navigate cultural and diverse ethical encounters”
- Social Isolation, Loneliness and Trauma in the Aging Community: Understanding Impacts and Challenges – ASAging/Feb 18 at 1 PM ET – “explore the distinctions and intersections between social isolation and loneliness, understand the profound impacts of trauma on older adults, and examine the emotional toll on family caregivers”
- Workplace Mental Health Through an Intersectional Lens – WWI/Feb 5 at 1 PM ET – “introduce the concept of intersectionality and overlapping identities as they relate to workplace mental health”
- Balancing Work & Cancer Webinar: Managing Long-Term Stress – Cancer + Careers/Feb 5 at 6 PM ET – “help you think about your priorities and how you can balance your job, family and own well-being to avoid letting stress get the best of you”
- Navigating Disability Accommodation Complexity: A Tool to Measure it – WWI/Feb 26 at 1 PM ET – “Questions to be discussed in this presentation include, How do supervisors view disability accommodation? What makes disability accommodation complex? How to measure disability accommodation complexity? How to accommodate complex disabilities?”
- How Will Work Affect My Social Security Disability Benefits? – SSA/Feb 26 at 3 – 4:30 PM ET
Child Welfare
- When Young People + School = Anxiety – McLean/Feb 5 at 12 PM ET – “breaks down what you should know about both typical and unhealthy school-related anxiety, provides an overview of “school refusal” and its treatment, and offers practical tips for helping kids and teens feel less anxious about school”
- Strategies that Build Connection and Empathy with Children Using The Power of Perspective-Taking – ECI/Feb 6 at 2 PM ET – ““Perspective taking skills” refer to the ability to understand and consider a situation from another person’s point of view, encompassing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences and putting aside our own…focus on how we can support children’s growth in these skills”
- “Can I Hold Your Hand?” Navigating the Dating World When You’re a Teen with Autism – NYU/Feb 11 at 1 PM ET – “offers information related to the social skills of dating, including how to let someone know you like them, dating safety skills, and how parents can support their teens and young adults.”
- When a Parent Dies – Feb 11 at 6 PM ET – “How the grief after a parent dies is unique”
- Treating Family Conflict and Coercion: An Overview – CTAC/Feb 14 at 10 AM ET – “provide an overview of some key methods that can address family conflict risks, such as ineffective discipline, traumatic responses, and even child behavior problems, designed to improve the youth-caregiver relationship”
- Social and Emotional Health in Early Childhood Development – SCAN/Feb 20 at 12 – 1:30 PM ET – “explores developmental milestones of early childhood, shares ways to build and strengthen connections between caregivers and young children, and provides strategies for addressing challenges such as temper tantrums and big behaviors typical for this age group”
Clinical Practice
- Introduction to Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care – SCAN/Feb 4 at 1 – 3 PM ET – “provides a foundational learning experience around the topics of trauma and trauma-informed care”
- Advancing Suicide Prevention through Telehealth and Policy Development – Millersville/Feb 7 at 12 – 2 PM ET
- Change Talk, What to Do Once You’ve Evoked It – ATTC/Feb 10 at 10 AM – 12 PM ET – “‘Change Talk’ is the solid GOLD motor that builds motivation for behavior change when practicing Motivational Interviewing (MI); without it the change-train is going nowhere and you’re not practicing MI. During this Learning Community Conversation (LCC), we will review how to evoke Change Talk and how to employ it, once it’s spoken by the client/patient.”
- Building Engagement through Skilled Listening – ATTC/Feb 12 at 1 – 3 PM ET – “interactive learning community conversation deconstructs the ‘art’ of listening to it’s core elements and provides opportunities for listening practice and reflection.”
- Trauma-Informed Strategies – SCAN/Feb 13 at 11 AM – 1 PM ET – “brief review of trauma and its impacts as well as introduce the 6 Principles of a Trauma-Informed Approach”
- Ask-Offer-Ask, A Way of Offering Information & Feedback That Builds Rapport – ATTC/Feb 13 at 1 – 3 PM ET – “skill-focused Learning Community conversation defines and demonstrates a way of engaging that considers the worker-task of providing information and/or feedback to people receiving services”
- De-escalation, Basic Tools for Social Workers – ATTC/Feb 18 at 10 AM – 1 PM ET – “designed to equip participants with basic concepts and preparatory actions that can be used to de-escalate a wide range of interactions.”
- The Intersection of Mental Health & the Arts – McLean/Feb 18 at 12 PM ET – “highlight ways that creativity can benefit our mental state, share how to express ourselves in an emotionally helpful way, and answer questions on how we can all do our part to reduce the stigma of mental health.”
- Trauma-Informed Technique Tuesday: Brief Introduction to Internal Family Systems – SCAN/Feb 18 at 12 PM ET – “introduce Internal Family Systems as a trauma-informed tool to help individuals understand and heal their internal systems”
- Ethics of Care in Case Management: Communication, Boundaries, & Best Practices for Providers – OneOp/Feb 20 at 11 AM – 12:30 PM ET – “will support confidentiality, cultural sensitivity, and resilience, helping professionals manage relationships effectively while reducing burnout and fostering self-care”
- Why & How to Debrief after De-escalation – ATTC/Feb 21 at 1 – 3 PM ET – “focuses on the role of the “debrief” and explores methods of effective debriefing.”
- Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience – SCAN/Feb 27 at 10 AM – 12 PM ET – “provide a brief review of trauma and its impacts as well as introduce the 7 Cs of building resilience. Participants will learn about adverse and positive childhood experiences as well as strategies for building individual and community resilience.”
- Creating Calm – ATTC/Feb 4 at 10 AM – 12 PM ET – “focuses on the intentional use of stance and approaches calculated to calm and decrease anxiety and agitation”
- 2025 Tax Updates: What Service Providers Need to Know – OneOp/Feb 11 at 11 AM – 12:30 PM ET – “provides insights into key military tax-related provisions and 2025 tax updates that are pertinent for service providers and counselors who assist these military families”
- Relationship Wisdom Summit – Feb 11 – 15
- Romance, Dreams, and Wallets: Building Financial Harmony – CFSW/Feb 13 at 2 PM ET – “focus on helping couples build stronger relationships by improving how they communicate about money and work together to reach their financial goals.”
- Self-Care & Wellness – SCAN/Feb 24 at 1:30 – 3 PM ET – “explore wellness and self-care practices and tools that help promote emotional regulation, compassion, empathy, and calm in our environments”
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I would like to add this event to your calendar February Offerings:
Using AI to Simplify Your School Social Work Practice (3 part series) Feb 13, Mar 30, & Apr 17 at 8- 9:30AM ET- “community of practice series that will discuss how this latest generative AI is changing the way we practice in Social Work”
Thank you for conducting these much needed Webinars for us Professionals. Being freshed every now and then is important to keep up with the changing times.
Hi Futhi,
We don’t conduct these trainings we just list them, but thank you for the acknowledgment! It’s much appreciated.