This post is part of the monthly series, Free Webinars for Social Workers and Mental Health Professionals, featuring over 20 free webcasts that we could find for you this month in the field of social work and mental health.
To make it easier for you to find a webinar that is of interest to you, they are now organized by the following categories: addiction, ADHD, advocacy, aging, career, child welfare, clinical practice, and other.
If we’ve missed any free webcasts that you are aware of, please feel free to add them in the comments section below!
Please note:
- Most but not all provide CEs. A few providers may require a nominal fee.
- To register, click on the desired green webinar title link; this will take you to the registration area.
- To ask Qs or confirm CE details, please contact the sponsoring organization of the webinar that is of interest to you.
- To have your free mental health webinar considered for inclusion, please provide details below.
January Webinars 2025
- Innovative Horizons: Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Substance Use Counseling – NAADAC/Jan 15 at 3 – 4:30 PM ET – “designed to offer an overview of how AI can (and already has) impact the counseling field and strategies for the ethical and impactful use of AI in counseling.”
- The Opioid “Addiction” Crisis: Persistent Policies and Practices Perpetuating Inequitable Care – ATTC/Jan 16 at 12 – 1:30 PM ET – “focuses on the inequities in care and treatments of vulnerable populations who are battling with addiction”
- Healing Over Handcuffs: Advancing Deflection Strategies – NCMW/Jan 29 at 2 PM ET – “The scope of SUD among justice-involved individuals and barriers to treatment”
- Comprehensive Clinical Assessments with a Focus on Quality – NAADAC/Jan 29 at 3 – 4:30 PM ET – “examine the essential elements of a high-quality clinical assessment, which encompasses the collection of psychosocial information and presenting symptoms, the use of supporting tools such as assessment scales and ASAM Levels of Care, the formulation of a clinical impression, and the establishment of DSM diagnoses.”
- From Battles to Bonding: A Parent’s Guide to Trading Defiance for Cooperation – ADDitude/Jan 16 at 1 PM ET – “explores the underlying causes of oppositional defiance, offering practical tools to restore peace and connection. Moving from battles to bonding will empower you to put those fruitless power struggles behind you by turning emotional reactivity into opportunities for connection and cooperation”
- The Neurodivergent Female Entrepreneur: How to Build a Business That Works for Your ADHD Brain – ADDitude/Jan 22 at 1 PM ET – “Why people with ADHD and autism make good entrepreneurs; About the advantages and disadvantages of starting a business when you have ADHD; How to get started If you’re thinking about becoming a business owner; About the unique challenges neurodivergent female business owners face”
- Digital Frontlines: The Challenges and Solutions to Fighting Online Antisemitism – USC Shoah Foundation/Jan 15 at 10 AM – 12:30 PM ET – “timely two-part program that brings together leading experts to examine the complex intersection of technologies, digital platforms, and antisemitism.”
- Working Towards Cultural Competency for Jewish Communities – TPN Health/Jan 21 at 10:30 – 12 PM ET – “The educational goal of this webinar is to advance practitioners’ knowledge of and sensitivity to the greater Jewish community and Judaism, an ethno-religion.”
- A Mental Health Moment: A Conversation about Environmental Racism and Youth Mental Health – CTAC/Jan 23 at 11:30 AM ET – “highlight environmental racism as a form of community violence and driver of mental health inequities among young people. Presenters will provide their professional and personal insights of how they work to advance environmental justice, including how culturally-responsive care and trauma-informed practices can be used to address the mental health inequities in youth and families”
- Working at the Intersection of Housing Insecurity/Homelessness and Human Trafficking – NIWRC/Jan 29 at 3 PM ET – “provide advocacy and policy recommendations to build or strengthen your program’s capacity to respond to the urgent needs of survivors of human trafficking.”
- Addressing Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults: Special Focus on Holidays and Anniversaries – ASAging/Jan 15 at 1 PM ET – “explores lifestyle and health challenges that deepen this isolation and provides compassionate solutions, such as building social support networks, planning holiday connections, and engaging in meaningful activities”
- Balancing Work & Cancer: Making Key Decisions – Cancer + Careers/Jan 22 at 1 PM ET – “discuss best practices for making decisions and the considerations involved in the process. Topics will include: Gathering the appropriate information and getting organized; Creating a plan around balancing work and your diagnosis that accounts for changes and obstacles”
- Ticket to Work and Mental Health – SSA/Jan 22 at 3 – 4:30 PM ET
Child Welfare
- Anxiety in Kids and Teens 101 – McLean/Jan 14 at 12 PM ET – “provides an overview of childhood anxiety, explains what sets it apart from anxiety disorders and other mental health conditions, and offers practical strategies for helping kids and teens feel less anxious.”
- Making the Connection: Conversations Around Integrated Care – CTAC/Jan 23 at 10 AM ET – “explore strategies and approaches to integrating mental health and substance use treatment. Each interactive session will address and highlight key integration topic areas and will be followed by a case study discussion and brainstorm. “
- From Zero to Thrive! Nurturing Resilience in Families from Pregnancy through Early Childhood – Caltrin/Jan 23 at 4 PM ET – “introduce Zero to Thrive and the Strong Roots™ framework. We will review the science behind resilience from conception through early childhood. “
- Feeding Minds, Fueling Futures through the Child and Adult Care Food Program – OneOp/Jan 29 at 11 AM – 12:30 PM ET – “The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) combats hunger and brings healthy foods to tables across the country for children in childcare and afterschool programs as well as adults in day care…learn about CACFP’s history and current meal patterns and hear from a Registered Dietitian administering the CACFP on a military installation”
- Healing Trauma in Children with Play Therapy – CTAC/Jan 30 at 10:30 AM ET – “delve into the application of established psychological models such as the Tri-Phasic Model, the Three R’s Model, and various play therapy techniques including directive, non-directive, and cognitive-behavioral approaches”
- The Power of Play in Parenting – SCAN/Jan 30 at 12 PM ET – “Learn more about the importance of play and how to incorporate it in your interactions with children in this workshop. “
- Addressing and Preventing Self-Harm in Kids & Teens – McLean/Jan 31 at 12 PM ET – “shares signs and symptoms that there may be self-harm occurring in a child, offers methods to teach loved ones better coping mechanisms, provides insight into when it may be time to seek professional help”
Clinical Practice
- Trauma-Informed Supervision – SCAN/Jan 16 at 9 – 11 AM ET – “provide a discussion of six trauma-informed principles and how each can be applied to the practice of supervision”
- Peer Support in Mental Health: Evidence, Experiences & Insights – The Mental Elf/Jan 20 at 9 – 11:30 AM ET
- TI Technique Tuesday: Understanding the Window of Tolerance – SCAN/Jan 21 at 12 PM ET – “introduced to the Window of Tolerance model, helping them understand how trauma affects emotional regulation and how to stay within an optimal zone for processing and responding to experiences. “
- The Many Faces of OCD: Understanding and Treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder – Jan 21 at 3 PM ET –
- Building Trust With Patients – McLean/Jan 22 at 12 PM ET – “discuss why a clinician’s sense of presence is key to gaining trust, the role of authenticity and how to convey it, and how to strengthen the therapeutic alliance without self-disclosure.”
- Financial Social Work’s Secret Superpower: The FSW Collaborative – CFSW/Jan 23 at 2 PM ET – “meet the founders of the FSW Collaborative and learn about the unique system they developed exclusively for Financial Social Work students and graduates.”
- Effective Sharing of ‘Lived Experience’ While Maintaining Boundaries ATTC/Jan 28 at 1 – 3 PM ET – “To provide a space for workforce members with ‘lived experience’ to reflect on the especially important contributions that they make in the lives of the people they support and guide.”
- Embracing the Unknown: Finding Inner Strength Through Grief – CC/Jan 28 at 2 PM ET – “delves into the journey of coping with loss and the emotions that accompany grief and how to support others as a peer support specialist”
- Mobile and Online Sports Betting – NYCPG/Jan 29 at 12 PM ET
- Intro to EMDR – Jan 30 at 1 PM ET
- Stress and Burnout in the Crisis Workforce – 988 Lifeline/Jan 23 at 2 PM ET – “speakers will offer strategies for prevention and intervention including developing self-care plans, fostering peer support, and engaging in mindfulness exercises. ”
- Mindful Monday: Gratitude Meditation – SCAN/Jan 27 at 1 PM ET – “join us a meditation that will help you focus on cultivating gratitude and embracing thankfulness”
- The Impact of Trauma Exposure on Professionals – SCAN/Jan 28 at 1:30 – 3 PM ET – “discuss strategies for responding to trauma exposure and provide resources that professionals can use to mitigate the impact of trauma exposure and improve wellness”
- Economic Stability Considerations for Service Members, Veterans and their Families – SAMHSA/Jan 21 at 2 PM ET – “explore critical areas such as employment opportunities; financial resources; SSI/SSDI, Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) for Veterans; and housing solutions, providing valuable information and resources to support maintaining or achieving economic stability among the SMVF community”
- Leveraging PowerPay: An Extension Tool for Debt Management – OneOp/Jan 28 at 11 AM – 12:30 PM ET – “PowerPay, a free tool developed by Utah State University Extension, is available to service members, their families, and military family service providers. Our experts will guide you in using this web-based debt elimination calculator to create a personalized plan tailored to your needs or those of your clients”
- Trauma Super Conference 2025 – Jan 27 – Feb 2
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Good morning,
I thought I would share this upcoming event starting in February:
Hi Steven,
Thanks for this. Apologies for missing this last month!
Are CEUs available for completing the free webinars?
Hi Sarah,
Your best bet would be to look at the organization hosting the webinar. We only provide links and do not host the webinars ourselves.
Just a quick thank you for this amazing resource. I regularly recommend your blog in general, and particularly these training round-ups to my staff. It is a fantastic resource for social workers (and other allied health folks) and we very much appreciate all the hard work that goes into it!
Hi Valerie,
Thank you so much for your kind words! It’s much appreciated! These posts take a long time, so to know they’re valued means a lot. February’s should be going up later today or tomorrow.