Have you ever been asked on a job interview for a prospective new social work position: How would you react to a person who just walked in and appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol? To help you be prepared for such a question, I consulted with two social workers who are currently […]
Repair and Resilience in the Trans-Generational Transmission of Trauma
This weekend, I had the opportunity to attend The Wounds of History: Repair and Resilience in the Trans-Generational Transmission of Trauma conference that was sponsored by the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, The Psychoanalytic Society of the Postdoctoral Program, and the NYU-GSAS Trauma and Violence Transdisciplinary Studies Program. The speakers were expert trauma-related mental health professionals (a […]
Motivational Interviewing: A Client-Centered Approach (2 of 2)
Last week, we learned from Kathleen Sciacca, a pioneer in the development of integrated treatment for co-occurring mental illness and substance disorders, that “Motivational Interviewing (MI) is grounded in Carl Rogers’ “client-centered” counseling and “empathic reflective listening.” This week, we are fortunate to have another opportunity to learn more about this client-centered approach with Kathleen […]
Ten Tips for Passing the LMSW Exam
How I passed my LMSW exam and you can too ! Take the National Association of Social Workers’ (NASW) Preparation Course – it is a one-day course that not only prepares you mentally for the big day but also provides you with an invaluable study guide that covers all that you need to know for the exam […]
Motivational Interviewing: A Client-Centered Approach (1 of 2)
What is motivational interviewing? Have you heard about this term and wondered what exactly it was referring to? Today’s interview is with Kathleen Sciacca, a trainer and programmer for Motivational Interviewing, as well as a pioneer in the development of integrated treatment for co-occurring mental illness and substance disorders. Her integrated treatment programs and motivational […]