As per Dr. Straussner, “if one is interested in learning and being challenged, it’s [the substance abuse area] a wonderful field. The knowledge of addictions treatment will come in handy no matter where one works.” Dr. Straussner is a professor of social work at NYU’s Silver School of Social Work. Aside from being a lecturer, […]
Career Advice from a Dean of Social Work
Are you a social work student or recent graduate wondering what to focus on in terms of your career development? Nancy J. Smyth, who is the Dean of the School of Social Work at the University at Buffalo, in New York, recommends that you see your MSW as “just the beginning of your education,” and […]
How To Start Up a Private Practice
Is starting up your own private practice one of your dreams? As per Michael Langlois, LICSW, “private practice is a business, and you need to learn how to create and run a business if you are going to be successful.” Michael would know! He is a social worker who wears many hats. In addition to running a […]
Social Work in Advocacy and Public Policy
Are you interested in pursuing a career in advocacy or public policy? Melinda Lewis advises you to: “Choose an organization that you’re excited about not, just a job description that sounds good… also an understanding of how policy systems work, how to build organizational strength, and how change happens.” This week, I had the honor of interviewing […]
What Is Social Work In Child Welfare Like?
Many people are rather confused as to what child welfare social workers do, especially in light of how the media portray their role. @SocialJerkBlog, a social worker employed in the field of social work, describes her typical day as including “some parent training with clients. This can be working on behavioral charts and disciplinary consistency, […]