Do you tend to be kind and compassionate toward others but have difficulties in showing such kindness toward yourself? Do you find yourself being too critical about yourself in some areas and then you beat yourself up for not being able to quiet that inner critic? I know that I need some work in this […]
How to Practice Self-Care
Self-Care – You know that it is good for you but how do you get there, if you have no time, energy or idea of where to begin? Some of you may be familiar with my post on self-care for social workers and other mental health professionals but today’s post is for everyone, regardless of what profession you are […]
The Secrets to Increasing Your Willpower
Do you wish that you had more willpower to do (or not do) certain things? This post will provide you with some helpful guidance on how you can build up your willpower (or information on how you may assist your clients to increase theirs). It will be based upon learnings that Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D. has […]
Shame Resiliency 101 a la Brené Brown
Have you had a chance to listen to Brené Brown’s powerful talk about shame? If not, I highly recommend you listen to her TED talk below. And if you have, you may just want to listen to it again… It’s that good ! For those of you who are unfamiliar with Brené Brown. Ph.D., LMSW, […]
The Power of Meditation
Recently, I had the opportunity to attend Dr. Dan Siegel’s seminar “How Psychotherapy Works.” It was a fascinating day in which you learned about the intersection of psychology, neuroscience and mindfulness meditation in mental health. Below are the key take-aways from Dan Siegel’s talk: Mindsight = the special kind of attention that allows you to […]