One of the interesting books that I’m reading for my practice class is Thoughts & Feelings: Taking Control of Your Moods and Your Life (Workbook) by Mathew McKay, Martha Davis and Patrick Fanning. Cognitive behavioral therapists argue that thoughts cause feelings. In other words, an event in of itself has no emotional content but rather it […]
Wish List for 2nd Year Placement
I had a meeting with my faculty advisor this week and I am feeling so relieved now. I no longer feel confused or conflicted about my field of practice (or area of focus) for next year. My advisor was most helpful in asking me questions to help me clarify what I am seeking in next […]
Choosing a Field of Practice (or a Specific Focus) in Social Work
At my graduate school of social work, we (all first year students) are now at the point where we’re supposed to be updating our resumes to reflect the experiences we obtained this past year at our respective places of internship. These updated resumes, in turn, will help the field placement office find us our internship […]
Running a Group for the First Time
Have you wondered what it would be like to run a group for the first time? A couple of weeks ago, I started a weekly group for pregnant moms at my field placement. The moms range in age from late teens through mid-thirties. The goal of the psycho-educational weekly group is to inform the mothers […]
Healthcare and Literacy: Are They Basics?
Healthcare and Literacy Are Basics But… Not everyone in the United States has access to healthcare or is literate. Most of us are more fortunate and blessed than we realize… We read and watch about the tragedies that others go through and do our best to be of help, be it through donations, volunteering or […]