Would you like to learn a little about drama therapy? As you may recall, Noel McDermott was very kind in providing us with an introduction to Drama Therapy – Healing Through Role Playing/Storytelling last year. This post will provide you with a taste of drama therapy based upon a graduate class with a drama therapist as a […]
Music Therapy: Healing Through Music
Music Therapy: A Powerful Method of Healing and Communication Have you wondered what is music therapy all about? As you may recall, Linda Grobman provided us with a lovely introduction to Music Therapy last year. Thanks to having had a music therapist as a guest lecturer in class, this post will provide you with some additional introductory […]
The Power of Meditation
Recently, I had the opportunity to attend Dr. Dan Siegel’s seminar “How Psychotherapy Works.” It was a fascinating day in which you learned about the intersection of psychology, neuroscience and mindfulness meditation in mental health. Below are the key take-aways from Dan Siegel’s talk: Mindsight = the special kind of attention that allows you to […]
The “Ugly” in Art Therapy
Have you had concerns about making “ugly” artwork when engaging in art therapy? This is the fourth post of the art therapy** series, based upon the graduate class I’m taking in art therapy for clinical social work, and it will be addressing this very topic. This post will illustrate that being worried about making something […]
11 Tips for Employing Art Therapy Techniques
Would you like to employ some art therapy** techniques with some of your clients? This third post of the art therapy series will be providing you with 11 key learnings on engaging clients with art therapy. These posts are based upon the 14 week graduate class I took in art therapy. 11 Tips About Conducting Art Therapy** […]