Did you know there is a huge connection between the development of a child’s artistic abilities and his/her cognitive development? In fact, a child’s art work is indicative of his/her developing abilities in motor skills, perception, language, symbol formation, sensory awareness and spatial orientation (Malchiodi, 1998). As you may remember from Art Therapy and Social […]
Art Therapy and Social Work
Have you wondered how to incorporate art therapy in a session with a client? I took a [post] graduate class on the use of art therapy within a social work framework. Art therapy is something that I wanted to learn for a variety of reasons. Art is something that I hadve always enjoyed. It is […]
10 Take-Aways from Workshop on Neuroscience, Meditation & Health
The other day, I had the pleasure of being able to attend a “Wise Heart and the Mindful Brain” workshop given by Jack Kornfield, a world renowned expert in Buddhist Psychology, and Dan Siegel, an authority on interpersonal neurobiology. Both speakers were extremely eloquent and knowledgeable about their respective fields and they brought together the […]
Spirituality, Compassion and Gestalt Therapy
Earlier this week, my school had a “Maintaining Our Commitment to Social Justice” day including a keynote address and three workshops of our choice amongst a selection of workshops. It was a very informative and interesting day and I felt very appreciative of my school having hosted such an event. Kalima DeSuze, an African American […]