As some of you may remember from What Do You Do When a Loved One Has Cancer?, someone very near and dear to me is engaged in a difficult battle with cancer. I have the opportunity to see him now and am full of mixed emotions. On the one hand, I am so excited to see […]
What Do You Do When a Loved One Has Cancer?
I hope you don’t mind but today I thought I would write a rather personal post. As some of you may know from Employing Fran Drescher’s “Cancer Schmancer” Approach, there is someone near and dear to me who has cancer. Since that post, my friend has undergone a series of intensive chemotherapy and things were […]
Employing Fran Drescher’s “Cancer Schmancer” Approach
“Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it.” – Josh Billings This saying is so true… I took my health and the health of those around me pretty much for granted, that is, until the near and dear friend whom I had mentioned to you a […]