21 Dementia Tips for Caregivers and Social Workers Do you have a relative or clients who are wrestling with dementia, and would like to find a way to either help or better connect with them? Thanks to the generosity of Dr. George Huba, this post will provide you with 21 invaluable tips: 7 Ways to better cope with cognitive […]
How to Build Cultural Competence
Raquel Ferrell Crowley What is cultural competence? And how do we improve our capability in this area? In this post, you will have the opportunity to not only find out what cultural competence is, but to meet an expert on cultural competence, take an assessment of how you are doing and take some online cultural competence training! […]
How to Be Culturally Competent with Latino Clients
Would you like to be able to provide culturally appropriate mental health services to your Latino clients? A few days ago, I had the pleasure of attending Dr. Parra-Cardona’s workshop at the Ackerman Institute for the Family on providing an ecological and culturally relevant framework for working with the Latino population in clinical practice. According to Dr. Parra […]
What Are Microaggressions?
According to Dr. Derald Wing Sue, microaggressions are common everyday slights, insults and indignities (whether intentional or unintentional) that communicate humiliating messages to a particular person or group. Some microaggressions may be so subtle that neither the victim nor the perpetrator may fully understand what is going on. To learn more about microaggressions, I interviewed […]