Why Does Nearly Every Culture Engage In Some Form of Breath Practice? What is so special about the breath? In part one, we saw how mindful meditation has a positive impact on mental health from the Buddhist perspective, as presented by Jack Kornfield during the two-day conference that both he and Dan Siegel gave about […]
The Neuroscience of Well-Being, Mindfulness & Love [1 of 2]
Would you like to find out how you may experience more well-being in your life? According to both Jack Kornfield and Dan Siegel [experts from both eastern and western psychologies], the secret to greater mental health and well-being lies in engaging in mindful meditation, or loving-awareness practice. This is the first out of two posts that […]
The Power of Meditation
Recently, I had the opportunity to attend Dr. Dan Siegel’s seminar “How Psychotherapy Works.” It was a fascinating day in which you learned about the intersection of psychology, neuroscience and mindfulness meditation in mental health. Below are the key take-aways from Dan Siegel’s talk: Mindsight = the special kind of attention that allows you to […]
10 Take-Aways from Workshop on Neuroscience, Meditation & Health
The other day, I had the pleasure of being able to attend a “Wise Heart and the Mindful Brain” workshop given by Jack Kornfield, a world renowned expert in Buddhist Psychology, and Dan Siegel, an authority on interpersonal neurobiology. Both speakers were extremely eloquent and knowledgeable about their respective fields and they brought together the […]