Below is a round-up of some of the latest news in mental health (and more)! This week’s wrap-up has 5 main themes: Advocacy/Cultural Sensitivity Technology and Mental Health Therapy/Relationships Self-Care Career/Non-Profit Advocacy/Cultural Sensitivity Asylum Discourse in New Zealand: Moral Panic and a Culture of Indifference – Bogen & Marlowe share their paper in which they discuss how the social work profession may address […]
Best in Mental Health (9/7/15 – 9/20/15)
Below is a round-up of some of the latest news in mental health (and more)! This week’s wrap-up has 4 main themes: Cultural Sensitivity/Stigma Technology and Mental Health Therapy NonProfit/Career Cultural Sensitivity/Stigma Alternative identities – DJ Williams addresses some of the personal and professional issues helping professionals face when working with people who identify as alternative identities such as […]
Best in Mental Health (8/24/15 – 9/6/15)
Below is a round-up of some of the latest news in mental health (and more)! This week’s wrap-up has 3 main themes: Therapy/Client Sensitivity Technology and Mental Health Career/NonProfit/Private Practice Therapy/Client Sensitivity Three Alternatives to Self-Injury – Oberg describes the alternatives to self-injury of putting (and peeling off) glue on the hands, snapping a rubber band on the wrist […]
Best in Mental Health (8/10/15 – 8/23/15)
Below is a round-up of some of the latest news in mental health (and more)! This week’s wrap-up has the following main themes: Therapy/Relationships Technology and Mental Health Social Work Practice Advocacy/Biases NonProfit/Career Self Care/Self Improvement Therapy/Relationships Book Review: “The Marshmallow Test” – book is part memoir and part scientific analysis of Mischel’s work on self-control; to exert more control […]
Best in Mental Health (7/27/15 – 8/9/15)
Below is a round-up of some of the latest news in mental health (and more)! This week’s wrap-up has the following main themes: Advocacy/Racism Therapy/Relationships Technology and Mental Health Healthcare Career/NonProfit Self Care Advocacy/Racism Human Rights and Torture (part 2 of 2) – the assumptions and root causes that drive immigration to the United States, and the […]