Many of us find getting older not what we expected and rather difficult to come to terms with. What steps can we take to age well? And how may we help our clients age well? In David Treadway, Ph.D.’s thoughtful talk about “Aging Well” at the 2015 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium, he provides the answers to these questions. While aging […]
An Expression of Gratitude
Thanksgiving can mean different things to different people… As a result, I will be sharing with you a poem, as well as three video clips about being thankful: Deepak Chopra’s gratitude meditation, “What Oprah Knows about Gratitude,” and Dr Martin Seligman’s gratitude exercise. Be Thankful Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire, […]
Employing Fran Drescher’s “Cancer Schmancer” Approach
“Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it.” – Josh Billings This saying is so true… I took my health and the health of those around me pretty much for granted, that is, until the near and dear friend whom I had mentioned to you a […]
Got Achievements? Take Time to Appreciate Them!
How Are You Acknowledging Your Achievements? It is now the beginning of a new year. Many people view the beginning of a new year as a time to reflect upon what they have done during the past year and/or to set some new goals. I have typically not viewed the new year in this manner […]