3 Macro Social Work Job Search Tips Are you interested in a Macro Social Work position but are having a hard time finding one? This post will provide you with some guidance to both help you find a Macro Social Work job and move up the Macro Social Worker career ladder. We are fortunate to have Rachel L. […]
Virtual Career Fair for Social Workers
Online Career Fair for Social Workers Are you a new social worker looking to enter the workforce, or advance your career? If yes, you’ll want to register for the special online career fair that the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is holding on May 19, from 1 pm to 4 pm ET! You’ll be able to […]
40 Interview Questions Every Social Worker Needs to Know
Would you like to know what types of questions to expect or prepare for before heading out to an interview for a prospective new social work position? An earlier post had provided you with 20 questions every social worker needs to know for the interview preparation process. However, since then some important changes have taken place within […]
3 Free Resources to Jumpstart Your Jobsearch
3 Quick On-Demand JobSearch Courses Could you use some help with your job search? Are you having a hard time either motivating yourself to start looking for a new position, or wish you could just have some interviewing guidance? There are three free online courses from GCFLearnFree.org that can provide you with just the right amount of information and […]
How to Build Your Online Authority and Make Friends
Are you trying to find a job? Building up a positive and reputable online brand identity might be the differentiating factor that makes a recruiter or hiring manager call you vs. another candidate. You may have thought that establishing a strong reputation would require creating (and maintaining) your own website or blog but this is […]