Do you wish that you had more willpower to do (or not do) certain things? This post will provide you with some helpful guidance on how you can build up your willpower (or information on how you may assist your clients to increase theirs). It will be based upon learnings that Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D. has […]
The Power of Meditation
Recently, I had the opportunity to attend Dr. Dan Siegel’s seminar “How Psychotherapy Works.” It was a fascinating day in which you learned about the intersection of psychology, neuroscience and mindfulness meditation in mental health. Below are the key take-aways from Dan Siegel’s talk: Mindsight = the special kind of attention that allows you to […]
Meditation and Stress Management
Is there a part of you that is seeking more balance in your life? Would you like to experience more joy? If yes, you may want to consider meditation… And if you’ve never done it, that’s fine 🙂 As Sharon Salzberg states in her book “Real Happiness,” “if you can breathe, you can meditate.” Meditation […]
10 Take-Aways from Workshop on Neuroscience, Meditation & Health
The other day, I had the pleasure of being able to attend a “Wise Heart and the Mindful Brain” workshop given by Jack Kornfield, a world renowned expert in Buddhist Psychology, and Dan Siegel, an authority on interpersonal neurobiology. Both speakers were extremely eloquent and knowledgeable about their respective fields and they brought together the […]