Self-compassion, as per Kristin Neff, PhD, a pioneering self-compassion researcher, entails giving ourselves “the same kindness and care we’d give a good friend.” Self-kindness will not only help increase our ability to cope with difficulties, but also help us succeed. A few weeks ago, I was most fortunate in being able to meet Dr Kristin […]
Transform Your Life with KonMari Decluttering
Get Unstuck Through KonMari Spring Cleaning Clutter Is Not a Storage Problem… The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up [Affiliate link] Do you have too many things? Is it possible that clutter is… Impacting your ability to move ahead, Be it personally or professionally, Marie Kondo’s organization method, Is like no other you’ve read/seen before.
20 Motivational Quotes for Job Seekers
Could you use a little encouragement as you are looking for a job or contemplating a career change? I think that we could all use that from time to time… To that end, I put together a list of twenty quotations that you may find helpful. My hope is that reading them will remind you […]