Are you a new social worker or current student of social work, with a focus in clinical practice, looking for some career guidance? As a recent graduate who is interested in continuous learning and growth, this was of interest to me and I thought it would be of great value to you as well. Therefore, I […]
Social Work Career Development Receives the Liebster Award !
Have you heard of the Liebster Award? The word ‘liebster’ means ‘dearest’, ‘sweetest’, ‘kindest’, ‘nicest’, ‘beloved’, ‘lovely’, ‘pleasant’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘endearing’ or ‘valued.’ It’s an award that has been making its rounds in the blogosphere for the purpose of discovering and recognizing new blogs in a “pay it forward” manner. A couple of weeks ago, Professor […]
Career Advice from a Dean of Social Work
Are you a social work student or recent graduate wondering what to focus on in terms of your career development? Nancy J. Smyth, who is the Dean of the School of Social Work at the University at Buffalo, in New York, recommends that you see your MSW as “just the beginning of your education,” and […]